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Chapter 4: Chapter - 04

Magic, the gift that blooms in rare souls. It's properties ethereal and mysterious.

Many Wizards and Witches in history have spent their lives and talents in the singular pursuit of pushing the boundaries of magic.

In these Three months that I've been here at Hogwarts I've come to understand that magic isn't all that systematic and simple as it seems. While does have some iron clad rules, most of its other rules are more like guidelines and much of it is vague and unknown.

There are 4 fundamental forces in nature:- Gravity, the Weak force, Electromagnetic force and the strong nuclear forces unifying nature. But in this world there seems to be a 5th fundamental force; Magic.

You see initially I thought that given I was in a world with magic, I believed I would just grind and raise my 'MP STAT' like in a game. But that idea failed spectacularly, I did not stop to consider that if it were such a straightforward path of gaining power everyone would do it.

The best analogy I could come up with is that the growth of magic is like a person's growth in height. You can maximize it to a minor degree by going to the gym but you won't grow like a bamboo shoot just cause you did some pull ups.

My genes have already helped me to be in a slightly better position but I am not the only one of a rich heritage.

I am able to do some amount wandless magic but that's only to floating stuff around with easy as I learned to control magic rather easily during my 3 years living on the streets.

From the conversation I've overheard among the different Slytherin groups I've come to know that I'm not the only descendant of a Founder in this school.

James Macmillan is a descendant of Gordric Gryffindor, which he so proudly keeps announcing "I, James Macmillan, descendant of the great Founder Gryffindor, will reclaim the sword of Gryffindor." or so he keeps shouting. But this did bring up my attention to the relics of the Founders, namely — Gryffindor's Sword, Hufflepuff's Cup, Ravenclaw's Diadem, and Slytherin's Locket ; and I know nothing about them expect their historical significance.

There are also rumours going around of a descendant of Hufflepuff going around but I think it's all that is, just a rumour. Cause if it were true the reptilian eyes of the Slytherin House would be focused on finding him/her. But still it's not that surprising given how the 28 sacred families married among themselves and the 'Light side' started marrying with half-bloods and muggleborns cause they started noticing the problems of inbreeding which was clearly highlighted by The Gaunts.

Seeing which even the 'Dark sided' families started marrying into half-blood but still no muggleborns were included. But the Lestrange, Malfoy and Black Families still don't budge.

Coming back to the topic at hand; Power and Magic. I've been reading diligently as when my skills are to be seperated into theoretical and practical, I'm far ahead in theory cause even though I almost naturally able to handle my wand, magic is still very new to me thus my problem being my control, which I'm getting increasingly better at. It's like riding a bicycle.

On to other subjects, Potions are going splendidly as I seem to be rather talented in it. Though it might just be because it still rather easy to understand just like when you were in grade school you were great at math cause all you had to was add or subtract.

Herbology is going rather great as well though that's mostly the theoretical side of things as I still can't handle those damn Mandrakes.

Transfiguration is a complete bust for me, I can feel it that I won't be all that good at it. What is more jealousy inducing is the fact that a 11 year old brat is so much better than me at Transfiguration even if it is Dumbledore he shouldn't be this talented. He's doing stuff that no one's ever seen been done by a wand. By sheer talent he has reversed his "reputation", same goes for his sidekick Doge, just by sticking next to him.

But not all hope is lost as when it comes to our Potioneering skills and Charms were almost equal but I'm much better at the Dark Arts.

When I say Dark Arts it's not the hardcore Dark Arts it's merely the more destructive spells that come under our DADA classes which happens to be mostly Practical oriented.

I have still no idea where to find the knowledge about the real Dark Arts. It's not like I would just find them in a school library they won't leave such dangerous stuff around children right.

But both me and Albus equally suck at flying on a broom.

Other than that, there's not much going on in my life, I have no friends merely some acquaintances and just the library where I'm trying to learn and discover this world's history, learn new spells and shit, and find clues to the Treasures left behind by other great Wizards and Witches to get stronger faster.

I tried socialising with members of my House but most of them have a stick up their arses so I just stopped trying.

I'm on my way now to apply for the Dueling club. Cause I know jack shit about fighting using magic and it may provide for a much needed hobby cause I can't play quidditch and a way to socialize before I turn into an anti social sociopath.

Who knows it might just be fun.

P.O.V. Narrator

Alexander walked out of the Slytherin Common room and walked towards the end of the dungeons where the Dueling Club is.

Along the way he say many of the older students just hanging around and among them he saw Albus and Doge walking towards the Club as well.

The room used— well calling it a room is incorrect its more like a Hall with the walls of the Hall lined with Armoured Knights. A long ramp like platform of about 5 feet in height surrounded by students on both sides. There were also 4 circular rings in the corners where the novices were being taught.

Near the platform was a booth set up where pass were being distributed to students to divide the levels of students as some of them were just there for fun and other's were their to complete and if lucky; represent the school in international matches.

Alexander moved towards ring no.1 after he got his pass. Albus was also present there.

P.O.V. Alexander

'Hmm. It's much bigger than I thought it would be. And more students as well.

Would you look at that, I'm in the same ring as Albus. Maybe I'll get a chance to fight him.'

—"No. 190 and 191. Would you please enter the ring."

'huh? Wait! 191 is my number. Who's 190?' I was in the middle of my contemplation as I walked towards the.

And would you look at that, "It's been a while, Albus."


A/n:- Cliffhanger.

Yo my dear readers. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update consistently but I've been very busy taking care of my aunt. She's had her first session of chemo and she taking it pretty well.

Anyways, Back on topic. You can see that I haven't really shown much of the classroom stuff in the novel cause really there isn't much to show for as this is only the first and he's totally alone in a pit of snakes.

And a heads up the MC won't needlessly hide himself cause he doesn't need to.

Also the magic system will be very different from the original HPverse as it doesn't make much sense and is constantly retconned by JKR. So I made my own and I've heavily drawn inspiration from The Nen power system.

If you have any suggestions or criticism please leave a comment and if possible a review.

Untill then, Avada Kedavra ❇️✳️❇️.


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