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25% Yami:hiakri / Chapter 1: Repentance!
Yami:hiakri Yami:hiakri original


Author: Dead_5666

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Repentance!

Stranger: Hey Kid... Not many people live being punched through a mountain, you're pretty strong.

Kid: I've always been able to take a punch since I was little…

Stranger: oh yeah, were you bullied or something? Where did you grow up??

Kid: You can say something like that….I grew up in an orphanage and was enslaved by Beastmen (Bites lip until it bleeds).

(The Stranger sits up looking confused ) Whoa, what happened??

(The cricket noises start to take over)

When I was born my mother left me at that orphanage… and it was the beginning of my hell.

[Flash Back]

Another nun A: Mother Freya I think someone left a child at the door.

(Mother Freya kneeling at the altar praying opens her eyes)

Mother Freya: Perfect! The gods have brought up a new family member.

(Mother Freya opens the door to see a child of dark skin)

Mother Freya: Awe look children, father has brought you another sibling.

(Mother Freya: fuck another brat…Well it doesn't hurt to keep it for profit.)

Mother Freya: It's a nice baby boy.

Children: Yay!

(The baby reaches his hand out touching Mother Freya's finger)

(Mother Freya: I should be able to make a good profit for having these Black monkeys here…and maybe I could sell them at the right age for more profit to those stupid Beastmen as slaves)

Mari: Can I name him?

Mother Freya: okay Mari what did you have in mind?

Mari: Hmmmmmm I don't know... Thinking about it is way too hard.

Mother Freya: Well he seems very attached to you...

(the main character pulls Mari's hair)

Mari: ahhhhh that hurts!!!!

Mother Freya: See he likes you.

(The young boy smiles and laughs)

Mari: I'm gonna call you Nedeth since your so needy.

(Mari sticks her tongue out and holds nedeth)

[6 years went by]

Mother Freya: Children come around!! Let's celebrate Your siblings birthday!

(All the children came around the dining table surrounding Nedeth and Mari as Mother Freya bring the cake)

Mari: Why do I have to always celebrate my birthday with the boys?...(Mari pouts) the other kids get individual birthdays.

Mother Freya: Since you and Nedeth get along so well we thought it was okay...I'm sorry it won't happen again. (Mother Freha looks at Mari with disgust)

(Nedeth blows out the candles and fights Mari over a piece of cake)

Nedeth: Mother this cake is so delicious you always make the best sweets.

(Some time went by and after eating Mari and Nedeth went to their room)

Nedeth: Big Sis, Can you help me pick cake out of my hair?

(Mari looks over at Nedeth)

Mari: Whoa I haven't noticed your hair is that long and It's too shaggy.

Nedeth: Come on Mari, please???

Mari: Ugh...okay get in the tub and ill wash it out and do your hair. (Mari blushes)

(Nedeth Starts undressing)

Nedeth: What!!? You can do hair?? Since when??

(They both walk to the bathroom across the hall)

Mari: Well I use to practice on toys but now I try to do new stuff with my hair.

(Nedeth Sits in the tub as it fills with water and soap)

Mari: I got a comb to part your hair okay?

(As Mari Parts Nedeths hair she bruises and blood)


Nedeth: Yea I'm fine why?

(Mari's mind goes blank and she starts to have headaches, the memory of Mother Freya beating her relentlessly filled her mind. Unable to process this she starts to cry and as she cried the towel Nedeth was going to use Combusted. Both Nedeth and Mari rush to grab the towel and throws it into the tub water.)

Nedeth: What just happened? Why did you start crying?

Mari: Shhhh...I think that was my magic...wasn't it cool??

Nedeth: Yea it was, how did you do it??

Mari: I don't know.

(Nedeth looks at her with a sad blank expression)

Nedeth: Ok...

Mari: I think you're my good luck charm little bro...think about it you witnessed my awesomeness.

(Nedeth gets back in the tub)

Nedeth: Yea that's true I wonder what magic I'll have.

Mari: Well until you find out you can help me practice.

(Mari starts to dread Nedeth's hair.)

Nedeth: I want to have the same powers as you tho…

Mari: Hey Nedeth...

Nedeth: Yea.

Mari: Don't you think it's weird that only 4 of us get treated differently than the rest...

Nedeth: Differently, No what do you mean?

Mari: Nevermind...just know (Rubbing Nedeth's Hair) I'll always protect you no matter…

(Nedeth looks back confused as she smiles at him)

[3 months later]

(It's almost the end of September and the trees are starting to change colors)

Mari: I think I almost master this move come look

Nedeth: okay show meh whatcha got.

(Mari concentrates on the leaves falling from the nearby tree, suddenly sparks start to form and the leaves ignite inflames)

Nedeth: Coooool! You're able to choose where you want it now?

Mari: Yeah but I only can burn small stuff for now so I gotta focus on increasing the size.

Other kid: Well look what we have here guys it's the loser who can't fight and is the protector.

(Three boys walked up to Nedeth and Mari)

Nedeth: Come on Drake can we not do this right now?

Drake: Do what, we just wanted to say hi and make you eat dirt again.

(Drake gets into Nedeth's face making him nervous and scared)

Drake: You're okay with eating dirt for lunch right? Needy boy.

(Drake grabs Nedeth by his dreads and pulls his face onto the ground as his two friends kick him in the face and stomach making him cough and spit up blood)

Drake: mmm mmm mmm Yummy right Needy?

Mari: Drake come on stop bullying our brother!

Drake: or else what?

(Feeling outraged Mari tries to combust his pants but she was only able to singe it. Drake stops rubbing dirt into Nedeth's face and glares at Mari)

Drake: Was that magic? You…were trying to burn me.. ??You bitch!

(Drake grabs her by the hair and pulls her to the ground his two friends start stomping and spit her as she cries)

Drake: Since ur always with him this fits you.

Other boy #1: Right and since she's a little hot maybe we should cool her off…

(The boy stood over Mari and began to piss on her hair and face)

Boy #2: Seems you were right she seems chilled out now hahahaha

(Nedeth opens his eyes to see his Sister bleeding from her nose and sobbing, infuriated him Nedeth tries to get up and the grass around them starts to burn and turn to ash, Nedeth looks at Drake and his friends as the grass around them began to turn into flames spreading into circle isolating Mari and Him from Drake and his friends)


(Seeing how terrifying this was Drake and his friends run into the church to tell mother Freya about what had happened hoping Mother Freya would be furious but instead she was ecstatic)

Mother Freya: Nedeth Was able to do Magic?? That's amazing I guess it's time to get Doctor to check it out.

(It's September 30th and the doctor has arrived)

Mother Freya: Aren't you a little young to be a doctor.

(The doctor fixes his glasses)

Doctor: Yes I am (he laugh nonchalantly) it's okay my magic does all the work for me so don't worry I'm a professional.

(Mother Freya calls all the children up to assess their Mana Reserves)

Drake: I wanna go I bet I'm super strong right Mother Freya?

(She looks at him and smiles)

Doctor: Okay that's the sport..let me introduce myself I'm Doctor Rhyme and I'm 5'9 118lbs and I love helping people and it's nice to meet all of you.

(Doctor Rhyme pulls out a glass and a bottle of water. He fills it near the top and puts a stone in it)

Everyone: Whoaa!!!

Drake: what's that stuff for?

Doctor R: I'm glad you asked well how my magic is when the stone sinks to the bottom everyone in this room can see, and persons magic reserves. Just come up and touch the glass you will see.

(Drake runs up to grab the glass and everyone sees energy covering his body)

Everyone: Coool!!!

Doctor R: Awee this is nice you have the Average amount of magic for an amazing person.

(Another person comes up and the energy around them was less than Drakes)

Doctor R: Another wonderful magic reading but not all mana reserves are the same as you can see he has less but that's okay you may have lower mana reserves but you can have amazing magic.

(Nedeth goes and touches the glass but the moment he did the glass shattered, everything in the room goes silent as the air in the room grew heavy, Nedeth had filled the church the Doctor was so shocked to see an unusual with this much Mana)

Mother Freya: What I could never imagine Nedeth having this much mana.

(Mother Freya: He's gonna make me so fucking rich…I need to make a deal soon before father comes back.)

Doctor R: you see children this boy is league of his own (Doctor R: He could pretty much be godly.)

(Other kids go after Nedeth and non of them had the same mana reserves as him)

Nedeth: Big sis when I grow up I'm gonna protect you.

Mari: Not If I'm the one beating you first.

(Mari then goes up to try and her mana reserves were almost non-existent)

Drake: Hey Doctor Rhyme I think I can taste her mana

Doctor R: Really and what does it taste like.

Drake: Loser!!

(Everyone Laughs and Nedeth and the Doctor stand up for her)

Mari: it's…okay… I'll just make my magic the most powerful and you'll see. (As she points to Drake)

Doctor R: That's the spirit

Nedeth: Ill believe in you since you always believe in me, Mari.

(Mari Blushes)

Mari: I told you I'm gonna protect you silly so I gotta be the stronger one.

Mother Freya: Well it was nice seeing you Doctor Rhyme.

Doctor R: Likewise!

(Doctor R: so it is true darker-skinned people have a higher chance of being an unusual…)

(She extends her hand to give a handshake)

Doctor R: It was nice and thank you…it's not every day you get to see two Unusuals. We gotta tell…

(Doctor Rhyme Gave his hand to Mother Freya and forgot the events that just took place all he can remember was a beautiful maiden shutting the door placed in front of him with a smile )

Doctor R: Have I seen that lady before? She seemed very happy.

(Doctor Rhyme Smiled as he walked away knowing he made a person happy with his work)

Doctor R: Maybe I could've gotten her number…Nah (Doctor Rhyme takes out a cigarette and lights it) Nuns usually are the worst to date.

(Later that night Mother Freya called in a Slave Trader )

Mother Freya: Listen I have four extremely valuable goods.

Slave Trader: How valuable are we talking? You haven't called in so long I thought you stopped sellin'

(Smokes his cigar)

Mother Freya: Just know one of them has absurd amounts of mana.

Slave Trader: Okay but how big?

Mother Freya: How tall would you say this church maybe?

Slave Trader: What's with the off-topic question?

Mother Freya: 600 and 15 feet and guess what? The people fixing the roof were able to see it and said "The Mana didn't stop, it went past it like it was nothing and touched a cloud".

(Slave Trader sits up and Whistles)

Slave Trader: Could be a royal?

(Mother Freya Smiles)

Mother Freya: Maybe he and the girl might be since they both know Fire Magic.

Slave Trader: I can get a buyer to come by in 2-3 days how much are you willing to sell for.

(Mother Freya gets close and whispers and the Slave Trader Smiled)

Slave Trader: Ah Still Greedy as ever I see an old friend.

(Mother Freya looked at him like a hungry tiger would look at meat)

Mother Freya: I'm also hot and bothered because some pretty boy came to assess these stupid kids.

Too bad, I had to suppress his memory I wanted to ride his cute ass.

Slave Trader: Let me help with that Freya.

Mother Freya: Ugh fine… It's better than just sitting here, you better satisfy or I'll kill you.

[2 days past]

Mari: Yay! I'm finally done with your hair.

Nedeth: Thanks, Big Sis…

Mari: I can finally see your Eyes… Now I can go to the Courtyard and practice.

Nedeth: Okay let's go together!

(10 minutes of training went by and Drake and a couple of other kids came outside)

One kid: Hey look it's the high-powered loser and his mom.

(Drake laughed and kicked dirt into Mari's Eyes)

Nedeth: What did you do that for!?

(Drake then grabs Nedeth by his dreads and Slung him like a rag doll and made him hit the water fountain)

Drake: That was for burning my pants.

(Drake then pummels Mari until she starts bleeding the other kids run to Nedeth and kicks him in the face and stomach calling them freaks)

Drake: You two are nothing but freaks…it's not fair why do you have so much I don't get it (Drake starts to tear up as He runs to Nedeth)

I want you mana I deserve to be strong.

(Mari Barely conscious from the beating says)

We didn't do anything wrong.

(Drake then gets on top of Nedeth and starts choking him)

Drake: Ever Since He came Mother always treated you differently like you were more special but why??

(Nedeth slowly fading see's Drake crying and filled with jealousy and questioned if he was special as the thought went by he layed there Unconscious)

Drake:…it's not fair…I don't…Ne-Nedeth…??

(Realizing Nedeth wasn't breathing Drake began to get panic as he didn't want things to go this far)

Drake: W…wake up…I'm sorry…I

(Nedeth opens his eyes and a firewall started circling Nedeth and Mari's unconscious body. The flames started to burn away Drake and either kid, Hearing the voices of kids Burning in agony scared Nedeth making him lose even more control causing his flames to expand and start to burn down the church)

(Mari: I smell smoke and it's warm…what is this?)

(Mari opens her eyes and they were glowing bright red she then slowly walks into the flames trying to get close to Nedeth)

(Mari: These flames feel familiar)

(Mari sees Nedeth sitting on the floor alone and crying, she then grabs him and hugs him for him to calm down…30 minutes passed and the entire church was burned down and there was nothing but burned rubble and charred bodies)

Nedeth: We don't have a home anymore…

(Nedeth looks at the ground sad)

Mari: it's okay we have each other back's.

(4 Carriages pulled up in front of and lion Beastmen stepped outside and looked around)

Lion Beastmen: They're was supposed to be four of you but it looks like you two no longer have a home.

Mari: W-Who are you??

Beastmen: Oh you can talk too I see that dead bitch nun thought you well

Nedeth: Dead!!

Beastmen: Well I'm Onyx but to you ima master.

(Nedeth tries runs up and punches onyx but it had no effect Onyx quickly grabs Mari but Nedeth tries to struggle but a Wolf beastmen swiftly tackles shackles Nedeth down)


(Nedeth Balled Out hoping in the back of his mind everything was okay)

Onyx: Come with us to your new home you pieces of shit.

(They got into the carriage and rode away from the smoldering orphanage both in tears knowing that this might be the last time seeing it)

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