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Chapter 15: Mikoto Uzumaki

Yone woke up drenched in sweat from his nightmare. He had the same nightmare for the last three years now. The border was calmer again but the tension was still there.

He was now 21 years old and Mito was making him take responsibility and finally marry someone even when he still wasn't ready for it.

He was trying to not meet his grandmother because of that reason since he wasn't going to marry for now as he was working in the academy as a teacher for now because Hiruzen wanted him there for a specific reason.

Nawaki was a Chunin now and was 15 years old and had a sweetheart from the Hyuga Clan. She might be from the brach-side of the family but Nawaki didn't care.

Tsunade on the other hand was with Dan Kato as they were deeply involved in training Medical-Nins for the village it was no wonder that Tsunade would end up with him.

Yone was eating some ramen in the new shop that opened in Konoha when someone sat down beside him and says, "I heard you are running around your grandmother so she can't present to you some women to you."

"Hiruzen, why are you here?" asks Yone as Hiruzen takes a letter out and hands it over to Yone.

"You might think you can dodge your grandmother but everyone in the village follows her tune. So you should meet the person your grandmother wants to present to you before she gets angry and burns your house down," says Hiruzen as Yone only sighs.

"I will meet her tomorrow but you pay today," says Yone as Hiruzen smiles.

"I don't have a problem with that," says Hiruzen as Yone leaves. He was full already because he ate 7 plates before Hiruzen arrived.

The next morning Yone went to the Senju Compound as promised as he had to meet the woman or fear his grandmother's wraith. He knocked on the door and Nawaki opened the door for him.

"You are finally here. She is waiting for you. She came all the way from Uzushiogakure to meet you," says Nawaki making Yone notice the maturity of Nawaki.

Nawaki was 1,73m tall while Yone still had a growth spurt and was now 1,94m tall. Nawaki's spiky hair was now reaching his back making Yone sigh from seeing that.

Both entered the house as Nawaki was guiding Yone inside as they reached the living room. There was a woman sitting with her back towards him. She was wearing a veil making it only possible for him to see her long bright red hair making it obvious to Yone that she was an Uzumaki.

"Yone, come over here and sit down," says Mito who really has aged even when Yone didn't notice because he was always by her side since he was young.

"Grandmother," says Yone as he sat down across from the woman and sky blue eyes were looking straight at him.

It almost seemed like they could see through him into his soul when Mito says, "This is my grandson, Yone Senju. Yone this young lady is Mikoto Uzumaki. She came to Konoha after I asked your grand uncle to find me a nice woman that would marry as stubborn as you."

"It's been long, Yone," says Mikoto as if she had known Yone already for a long time.

"Do we know each other?" asks Yone as Mikoto nods.

"You might not remember since it has been more than six years since we meet. You came to Uzushiogakure when we met the first time. Do you think they would send some women just because you are a Senju? Igari asked around the village and I volunteered because I found you interesting," says Mikoto as she blinked before staring intensely at Yone again.

"So you volunteered to marry me, why?" asks Yone as Mikoto didn't look away.

"I'm an orphan and I had no one that's when I met you and you gave me some love even if it wasn't real love it allowed me to live six more years and now I have the opportunity to give you my love," says Mikoto as Yone began to remember to have met a boy on the streets back then not a girl.

"But I can clearly remember that it was a boy that I helped back then," says Yone as Mikoto shakes her head.

"No, it was me. I looked like a boy because I was hiding that way from the others since a girl could be taken in and be married off into another family to make a connection between both families without the girl having a choice in it," says Mikoto as Yone nods since he has seen it already.

"Why marry me then? Isn't that the same?" asks Yone as Mikoto shakes her head.

"Not really. I don't have a family," says Mikoto as that hit Yone since he himself didn't know who his real parents are.

"I would like it to know you better before marrying you. What do you say?" says Yone as he loved those sky blue eyes.

"That would be fine by me. I will be living-," says Mikoto when Mito interrupts.

"You both should stay in one house. It's easier to connect that way," says Mito as she wanted to hold at least hold a great-grandchild before dying.

"How old are you by the way?" asks Yone as Mikoto wanted to answer when Mito answers for her.

"She is eighteen. Now take her home since I know you would ignore her if she stayed here with me," says Mito as Yone sighs.

Yone helped Mikoto as they walked towards his house when he asks, "Are you a shinobi?"

"Yes, my parent were shinobis as well before they died. I might not be a Jonin but I can fight against most Jonin of Uzushiogakure," says Mikoto as they arrived at Yone's house.

She entered the courtyard and sees that it was taken care of by Yone as they enter the house she found it clean maybe with a newspaper on the table but she saw that Yone loved to have his house clean.

They sit down at the table and Yone says, "I will be sleeping on the couch from today on. I have to work tomorrow at the academy so you will be alone most of the time every day until I return. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, about which hour will you be returning so I can prepare a meal for when you return," says Mikoto as they began to talk to each other for a while as they connected without knowing it.

"You can take the veil off. We are alone after all or do you feel uncomfortable without it," says Yone as Mikoto took it off and Yone's heart skipped a beat.

"I wanted you to fall for what I am and not my beauty that's why I was hiding behind the veil," says Mikoto as she prepared dinner before they went to sleep.

Yone was sleeping on the couch that night since they would need to buy another bed for Mikoto so both could sleep comfortably.

A month passed since then. Yone was now promised to Mikoto as he really fell for her completely. They weren't that eager to marry but that changed after three months when Mikoto was showing signs of pregnancy.

They went to see Tsunade as she took Mikoto's pulse and says, "It seems I will be an aunt beginning next year."

"So she is-," says Yone as Tsunade nods.

"Yes, congratulation," says Tsunade as she was happy but at the same time she wasn't.

"What about Dan and you when are you going to give me a nephew?" asks Yone as Tsunade sighs.

"I and Dan have many things to deal with before we can think about having a child. What happened to the Yone that said he wouldn't put a child in this world because he was afraid that it would grow up without parents," says Tsunade while looking at Yone.

"This was a happy accident. We had been drinking together when we shared the same bed," says Yone as he and Mikoto were quite drunk that day.

Flashback to two and a half months ago.

Yone came from the academy after teaching the children the whole day when Mikoto was waiting for him with dinner. They are together and Mikoto brought sake out and they drank it together.

Yone then picked her up and was carrying her like a princess as they went to the bedroom where both began to kiss each other deeply making Yone's and Mikoto's lust take the best out of them as Yone began to undress Mikoto while she did the same to Yone.

He was sucking on her perfectly formed breasts making Mikoto look more seductive to Yone as he took his rod out and pressed it against her opening when Mikoto says while hiding her face, "Be gentle."

"I will," says Yone as he sticker it slowly inside before he removed the hands from Mikoto's face and began to kiss her while moving his hip against hers when Mikoto bite Yone's lips out of excitement.

Yone began to hug Mikoto as she stopped buying his lip and put her tongue into his mouth. Both tongues danced with each other when Mikoto gave little sounds from herself as water began to leak when Yone then released everything inside her.

"You are the best that happened to me," says Yone as he kissed her while hugging her.

"Did you know that I am in love with you since I met you in Uzushio all those years ago," says Mikoto as she crawled closer to Yone and buried her head onto Yone's chest before falling asleep when Yone kissed her head and went to sleep as well.

Flashback ends.

"That's why Sake is forbidden in our house," says Mikoto even if she loved that experience it was too fast.

"Now that I remember three months ago grandmother borrowed some aphrodisiac from me. From who did you get the sake?" asks Tsunade as Mikoto turned red making it quite obvious to the other two who was behind that accident now.

"So are you keeping it?" asks Tsunade as she looked at both.

"We are keeping it," says Yone as Mikoto looked at Yone who smiled at her before kissing her.

"Even if grandma used an underhanded method she made it clear to me that I love Mikoto. But I will have to talk to her about it later," says Yone as Tsunade nods.

"Count me in maybe she wants to try the same with me next," says Tsunade as Mikoto and Yone left together making Tsunade sigh when they weren't in sight when she looked at a picture in which the whole family was together.

"What would have happened if we were together before you left the first time. Would we have a child then?" asks Tsunade herself as she sighs again while saying, "No I have Dan even if we do it regularly I am still not pregnant. I know that my body is alright but Dan."

Tsunade sighs again as she really wanted to have a child with her lover for a long time now but she never ends up pregnant questioning if Dan can have children in the first place or if it was her stress that prevented it.

Deathseeker Deathseeker

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