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Chapter 21: Chapter 20: Ishib ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

"Daddy, look!" Jimin said loudly while his hands that were covered by sweater paws raised his brand new drawing in order for the elder to see. January passed without them even realising so February found them promising they would spend more time with each other, the exam season that was slowly approaching causing for the pink-haired boy to be extremely stressed. He was in headspace a lot so Jungkook had a set of new rules he was trying to follow, all of them having the same objective: having his boyfriend feel at ease.

The sheet was covered in colourful jellyfish and they looked pretty good so the elder grabbed it in order to study it from up close. The colours were vibrant and he would have commented something about the trembling lines but the Bambi eyes studying his expression convinced him to forget about it. That was not a stencil for a client, it was his baby's hard work.

"It's beautiful, love." He smiled as soon as he realised a huge grin was flashed in front of him and reached for his phone in order to unlock it and take a picture of the drawing. "I think it'll be my new homescreen."

"What's on your lockscreen, then?" Jimin came to peek at the screen, his chin shyly resting on a broad shoulder. His cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink when a picture of himself was revealed – one that has been taken on one of their dates; he was smiling widely and his eyes have been turned into crescents. "Oh."

"It's not my fault that you're so pretty, is it?" The answer came in the form of the student hiding his face in the curve of his lover's neck and an arm instinctively locked around his middle, pulling him closer. "Do you want to draw some more?" The nod that followed was so enthusiastic that Jungkook decided to forget all about the things he had to get ready until the following day.

They chose "dinosaurs" as the theme and the tattoo artist went for the T-rex without a thought, surprised by his boyfriend's choice which was a Diplodocus. A few months ago he couldn't have guessed he would turn into a dinosaur connoisseur but because of Jimin he now knew the differences between Sauropods and Theropods. His boyfriend's favourites were the herbivores because they seemed "friendly" so nothing stopped him from educating the other about them whenever he had the chance.

"I think his neck could be used as a slide." The pink haired boy decided after finishing his handiwork, eliciting a low chuckle.

"I wouldn't let you get close to that thing even if it was possible."

"Why not, Daddy?"

"What if he'd eat you?"

"He only eats plants." Jimin pouted and placed the green crayon he has been holding until then back on the coffee table they chose as their workplace.

"What if he'd think you're a flower?" Giggles filled the room and the younger of the two would have added something if it wouldn't have been for his stomach who loudly announced that it was dinner time.

They settled for pasta because it was the fastest dish to prepare and by the time they cuddled in bed Jimin was still in little space so Jungkook decided he should read him a chapter from the book he was currently reading. It was an Agatha Christie novel but as interesting as it was, the student couldn't help the sleepiness that was taking over, his mind filled with thoughts of gratefulness. He wouldn't have minded spending the rest of his life in that state of constant happiness.

January has been kind to the literature student. His relationship with his boyfriend was blooming everyday and beside that he managed to learn a lot more about each member of their now-common group of friends. Seokjin and Namjoon were still sorting their feelings but that didn't mean the eldest shied away from spending time with them and Jimin found a good companion in him, their personalities matching perfectly (the pink haired boy was the only one who would laugh his ass off at Jin's dad jokes).

"Daddy, where's Milo?" The younger's voice was quivering as he asked that, his eyes ready to get teary any moment. The koala has become his favourite toy and he was carrying him around everywhere, reluctant to go to sleep without it.

"Isn't he in your backpack?"Jungkook was almost ninety percent sure that he saw him there so when the student ran back to the bedroom to see if it was true he resumed to preparing the sandwiches his boyfriend got used to eat at uni. Jimin was not picky when it came to food but the tattoo artist couldn't let himself do a half-assed job when it came to his baby so he always made sure the snacks were exactly how he preferred them.

"He's not!" Jimin's voice was an octave higher than he preferred it and he didn't need to look at him to guess that he was already crying, distressed by the situation.

"Let me finish here and we'll look for him together."

"No, now!" It was a tantrum and Jungkook was definitely not going to let this one slide so he turned around to offer his boyfriend the stare before returning to his task. "Now!"

"Jimin, I'm doing something right n –"

"I don't care about those stupid sandwiches, I want Milo!" That was it, the dom decided and abandoned the kitchen counter, his blood beginning to boil. He washed his hands and looked at the little who looked frozen in place, his fists clenched, probably at the realisation that he screwed up.

"We're going to find Milo and then you're going to stay in time out and think about what you've just done." His voice was as cold as the snow outside and Jimin didn't dare to do anything else but nod before walking back to the bedroom. They have found the stuffie under the bed where it had accidentally fallen but the younger didn't feel as relieved as he thought he would. "I'll come to get you in 15 minutes." He sniffled when Jungkook told him that and sat on the edge of the bed.

He hated that he managed to upset his Daddy enough to punish him, the idea of being bad worse than that lousy quarter hour he had to spend on his own. He should have been patient and shouldn't have insulted his boyfriend's work like that because those "stupid sandwiches" were prepared for him. He stopped crying after a few minutes so when the door opened he sniffled quietly, waiting for the approval that his punishment was done.

"It's over." Jungkook announced and watched as the boy jumped off the bed and hurried in his direction. He was still pissed about the whole situation but was willing to let go, reminding himself that his baby has been distressed and that was the reason why he acted like that.


"Yes, Jimin?"

"I'm really sorry for acting spoiled." The words came out tiny so the brown-haired man gave in, stopping in order to pull his boyfriend into a tight hug. Jimin took advantage of the opportunity and wrapped his legs around his middle in order to be carried around and Jungkook kissed the top of his head.

"You're forgiven, brat."

"I'm not a brat, I'm a good boy." He chuckled and pecked the pout that formed before placing him on one of the chairs and offering him the lunchbox he's done. "Did you put an apple in there too?"

"Do you deserve an apple?" The tattoo artist asked sarcastically and crossed his arms in front of his chest. The pink-haired boy's bottom lip was sticking out but he decided to check and find the answer himself and squeaked when he saw there was an apple inside the box.

"Thank you, Daddy!"

"You're welcome, kitten." Jungkook dropped him off at university and he had an overall good day before heading back to his and Tae's apartment where he found a note announcing that his best friend was going to spend the night at a mate's place. He spent a couple of hours working on a project before deciding to spend some time online, torn between looking at cute clips of animals on Youtube and buying new clothes. He was shopping when a notification that he received a new email distracted him and he immediately signed in, curious to see what it was about. It was "A" as a subject and he believed it might be one of his teacher that wasn't fond of technology and had no idea how virtual mail worked.

The sender sounded familiar but he couldn't exactly put his finger on it. There were a few files attached, nothing else, so he downloaded it, surprised to find they were actual videos – pretty long too.

The first one was half an hour long and his heartbeat began booming inside his chest when he saw a girl who was completely immobilised, her hands and legs tied with rope to a chair. She was completely naked and looked like she wasn't having fun at all, her make up a mess dirtying his face as she struggled against the bondage. Her knees were parted and when Jungkook made his entrance Jimin felt his anxiety rise, unsure if he should click on the red x or keep watching.

It must have been an old video because the Dominant was black-haired and he grabbed a flogger before beginning to bruise the girls' inner thighs, immune to the crying and the pleas that were falling from the submissive's lips. That was not the Jungkook he knew, beside the fact that he looked like he didn't sleep in days, he was also acting like he was dealing with a toy and not necessarily a human being. The girl didn't safeword, that was true, but her yelling sent shivers down Jimin's spine and he wasn't even there.

He couldn't stand the howls so he closed the video, curious to see what the other two held. They were similar and one of them was even featuring Yoongi who was whipping the shit out of a sub who ended up bleeding. It was truly terrifying so his stomach was in knots when another email entered his inbox. It was from the same sender.

Do you still think you can satisfy him?

It was obvious that Daeshim was behind all this so he replied with a simple "Fuck off" before signing out of his account and opening Spotify in order to listen to some music. He found himself thinking about those scenes so he bent his knees so he could rest his chin on them, trying to forget what he's just seen. He knew what kind of Dominant his boyfriend has been before their relationship, it would have been hypocrite of him to judge him but his ex-Dom might have been right, in his stupidity. Someone who craved so much control might feel overwhelmed with their relationship at some point, might want to go back to total power exchange.

The thought was making his skin crawl and he jumped startled when he heard the door ring. He rubbed his face as if he was trying to wash away the new information seeded inside his brain and ran to answer, knowing it was Jungkook.

The tattoo artist was carrying two pizza boxes that he almost dropped when the smaller one rose on his tiptoes and crushed their mouths together as he pulled him inside. He closed the door with his foot and enjoyed the surprise make-out session for a few minutes until he decided to gently push the boy away in order to figure out what was going on.

"Hi to you too." He joked and Jimin grinned before taking the boxes so he could take his shoes off. "Did you seriously miss me that much?"

"I did." He hoped his playfulness could cover the thoughts that were twisting his thinking because it was not like he was lying. He was always missing Jungkook when he was not around, as clingy and mushy that might have sounded. "Will you stay over? Tae is not coming home tonight."

"Why not? It's like we're living together anyway, I can't remember the last time I slept alone."

They talked about their day over dinner but Jimin graciously avoided the subject of the mails, not wanting to upset his Daddy without an actual reason. He told Daeshim off and he hoped the asshat would understand that there was no way he could sabotage their relationship with this type of cheap tricks.

They were watching "Madagascar" when the smaller boy pressed their lips together in a gesture that indicated his intention was not necessarily innocent. There was a certain urgency about the way his lips were moving and as soon as a hand grasped the baby hairs covering Jungkook's nape the latter decided to pull away, wondering what was causing all this.

"Min?" The question didn't need to be asked.

"I want to play." The tone wasn't of someone who would give up on the idea but the elder asked once again if he was sure before turning off the laptop and giving a direct order: Jimin was supposed to kneel. They didn't have a lot of toys but they were going to do their best without them.

"What do you need, baby?"

"I need pain." Maybe that would make him feel at ease, take the heavy thoughts off his mind. "Please, sir." Jungkook let his hand search for a cheek he gently caressed as his brown orbs searched for his lover's expression. He wished he could understand where this frenzy was coming from but he wasn't going to try to guess because he knew some days were just complicated.

"I've got you." He promised and cupped the boy's dace in order to bring their mouths together. It was a slow and loving kiss, completely opposite than what he asked for but the night ended in tears, Jimin howling at the way his backside was burning. He asked for everything Jungkook had so his skin ended up bleeding, promising the both of them that there were going to be marks left. He has been hurt so badly that he couldn't even cum because of it but the elder's semen was spread all over his ass cheeks, reminding him once again that sadism was involved.

It was what he asked for – he specifically asked for roughness, he didn't safe word. The crying became louder when he realised that was the confirmation he was searching for: this was the type of play Jungkook preferred, not the washy activities they usually ended up doing. He has done this type of things before, he has been a "real" submissive but he wasn't sure he could go back to that when he's already tasted from the sweetness of Ddlb.

"Peach?" He whimpered at the pet name and felt Jungkook lying down beside him so he could look at his tear-stained face. He looked like a mess so he tried to hide his swollen skin but the other didn't give up until their noses were almost touching and his finger caught the few tears that were cascading his features. "You're okay, angel." A few soft kisses were pressed all over his face, their goal being reassurance but it took a few minutes for Jimin to calm down his excruciatingly loud heartbeat. "I don't think you can sit inside the bathtub so let's take a shower, hm?"


The lukewarm water cascading their bodies made the pink-haired boy jumpy because of the accentuated stinging of his backside but he allowed big hands to clean him everywhere. Jungkook knelt in front of him at the end and he realised what the intention was only when his soft member was taken inside a hot mouth and he pulled away.

"I don't wanna –" His voice was still hoarse. "Feelin' little." He didn't feel able to talk, it was like his mind entered little space in order to ignore all the doubts that formed over the last few hours. He didn't want to overthink because he was safe in Jungkook's arms.

"Let's get out of here, baby. Daddy'll put some ointment on your bum to make it feel better."

The substance helped. Jimin was lying on the tattoo artist's lap as the coldness was gently spread all over the inflamed pink area, his lips parting to wince from time to time. He was helped into some black large boxers and then in a cute pyjama before being encouraged to make himself comfortable under the covers.

"Milo –" The name came out weakly as he didn't want the toy to upset his Daddy again but the latter was already holding the innocent koala he immediately offered to him. "Thank you."

"Do you want to keep watching Madagascar?" The younger shook his head and closed his eyes, feeling absolutely exhausted. "Does my sweet boy want a goodnight kiss?" A shy nod and a pair of lips pressed against a temple.


"Yes, Min?"

"Do you –" think you want to go back to BDSM? "hate Milo now?" He gulped and Jungkook chuckled and shook his head.

"I could never, sweets. Daddy bought you Milo, remember?" He kissed the bear's head as a proof he was holding no grudge and cuddled the both of them close to him. "I love you, kitten."

"Love you too."

"Night night."

Jimin felt lucky for ending up so tired because he was aware that intruding thoughts were not going to make it easy for him during the future days. He wondered if Jungkook hoped he could change and one day become a submissive again, he wondered if his boyfriend was not tired of always taking care of him – inside and outside the bedroom. He felt selfish for changing the tattoo artist's life so dramatically but he was trying to remind himself that the brown-haired man was the one who insisted he was not a sub. He had no idea what Ddlb was before their relationship started and it wasn't him who suggested it.

He loves me, he kept repeating to himself, hoping those words were strong enough to guard his happiness.


(。・ө・。)♡ Thank you so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter ~ Did you find it intriguing? Do you suspect what will happen next? I have a whole lot planned for the future chapters so I hope you are ready!

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