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Chapter 4: The Guy who is Bad at Sports

'All people have some kind of weakness, it's our uniqueness'

Chapter 03 - The Guy who is Bad at Sports.

Kou's Point of view

We are here at the school gymnasium practicing for the sports festival.

I'm practicing with Shinjiro for almost three days and I notice his body coordination is really awful.

Seriously he is awful,

We are playing tennis.

"You are good at tennis aren't you" Shinjiro said while staring at me, actually looking up to me he looks so small catching his breath.

"Is that a compliment or a sarcastic comment?" I asked

"I meant it" Shinjiro replied

He actually complimented me, that's surprising.

I feel good hahaha.

"Maybe" I whisper, I don't know how to respond when he is being like this. I'm still not immune.

We continue to practice along with our other classmates.

The weather is not too hot nor cold. It is a perfect weather for practicing.

The teacher whistled the signal for the break. We rest for a bit, I think Shinjiro is really exhausted.

He is really not good at tennis.

He is really not good at sports in general. It is no surprise though since he is a bookworm.

Shinjiro is drinking sports drink as I looked outside catching others waving at us.

"I'm already getting along with your friends, they are all kind" I said as I waved to Okazaki and others.

"They are not only my friends but yours also" He said.

I guess I'm not still used saying it.

"I guess... I'm just not used having friends" I said and he offered a drink.

After the time I spent with them I still wonder how it is possible for me to accept friends.

"Want some?" He offered me some cookies.

Hey don't eat in the middle of practice -_-"

"It doesn't have poison right?" I asked jokingly

He glared at me.

I guess this is homemade cookies. Is he baking this kind of this?

It looks delicious.

Maybe that's rude of me to ask if there is a poison.

"Homemade cookies?" I asked while I took a piece.

"Yeah, I bake it yesterday my brother said that he want some so I tried baking some. This is the excess" He said still offering it to me

I took a bite.

It's delicious

"It taste good than I think" I mutter while I ate the whole cookie

"That's great..." He said and stood up.

I don't want to compliment him to much.

I'm being childish.

"You rest enough?" I asked looking to him.

"Nope, but I think we will resume the training" Shinjiro said pointing at the teacher.

I got lost in my thought and caught Shinjiro looking at me

"What?" I asked

Shinjiro is staring at me and it ticks me off.

"They are your friends, trust me" Shinjiro said with a smile

"Thanks..." I said softly

Woah is that some kind of comfort?

He is really unpredictable.

"Lets start" I said and we start to train together.

The next day we continue our practice.

"Shinjiro!" Hanazawa said running towards us. She is also with Arai and Okazaki.

Hanazawa is participating in girls basketball.

Arai is participating in soccer. The players of sports club are not allowed to join in their own sport to make the game fair.

Okazaki is in the men's basketball.

Sakuma is one of our class festival representative.

Me and Shinjiro is always practicing we rarely see them these days.

"How's the practice?" Okazaki asked and he put his arms into my shoulder.

"Fine" I said removing his hands.

I still can't get used to this skinship.

"That's rude Asahina" Okazaki said pretending to be sad.

Arai comforted him.

"Hey Shinjiro are you fine with it?" Sakuma asked to Shinjiro when Shinjiro covered his face.

Somethings odd

Is he embarrassed?

"I-I'm fine" Shinjiro said shyly.

"Shinjiro you hate playing sport right?" Arai said with a smiling face

Hanazawa stomp on his feat.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically

"I thought he is just awfully bad at it" I said teasing Shinjiro

"Yes I do hate it!" Shinjiro said like a kid. He looks cute.

Wait did I just say cute?

It's a mistake, he is not cute at all.

Then suddenly Hanazawa punch my stomach

It hurts!

"Don't harass Shinjiro!" Hanazawa said and smile.

This girl is strong compare to how she looks.

"I get it" I said staring to Hanazawa

He hates sports I know that, he won't admit it though.

He hates to lose even it is obvious.

Practice resumed and Hanazawa and others left.

"Why you are staring at me like that Asahina-kun?" Shinjiro asked.

"Hey tell me why you won't admit that you hate sports" I ask but he is not replying for a while.

"I prefer not to say" He said

"What's with you? I'm your partner" I said

"I said I don't want!" Shinjiro said with a slightly loud voice.

Looks like he is really angry but he can't show it.

I feel like I want to tease him more.

Then I noticed almost all people's eyes are on to us.

We are not alone in the gymnasium hall since we are not the only one practicing.

Shinjiro looks embarrassed by his action.

He is blushing because of embarrassment.

"I'm sorry "I whisper, I feel like teasing a child and make it cry.

He glared at me like he will go and punch me.

I'm glad that he is honest with me like this.

"Just go punch me if you want" I said while laughing

"Die Asahina-kun" He whispered

"I'm not going to die, not now at least" I replied

The practice ended for today and I head straight home.

I lay on my bed after took a bath.

I'm exhausted.

We are making small progress in our practice considering the type he is.

I guess we can win a match or two.

I didn't get to make him say why he hate sports though.

I picture he is going to say a childish reason.

Tomorrow is the sport festival.

It is going to be an exhausting day.




I woke up in the sound of my alarm clock.

Today is the day of sports festival.

"Brother you're so handsome!" Yui said smiling

I wear the clothes we bought the other day. This clothes are really good.

"Yui is pretty too" I said and I pat her head.

I know I got some looks though it has nothing to do with what is going to happen today.

"Kou-nii! Misaki-nii ask me to give this to you" Yui said holding something, I think. I'm not staring at all actually.

"Did he make this?" I ask to Yui

"Yes, he made it with love Misaki-nii said" Yui answered with a smile

"Isn't this too much for me?" I said looking at the boxed lunch my older brother made.

I guess I will share this to Shinjiro.

"Why you are smiling brother?" Yui ask

Am I smiling?

"Really?" I asked surprised

"Yes, Kou-nii " Yui said looking happy

Why I am smiling?

I arrived at school. The school is packed with outsiders and the students looked like they are going to go in a war

They are that serious.

"Look at Asahina-kun he is so handsome!" Hinata said, she's with other girls wearing tons of make-up in her face.

Isn't that going to melt because of the heat?

"Is he holding a bento?" One of Hinata's friend asked

"I want to eat lunch with Asahina-kun!" Hinata said loud enough to be heard.

The bento is large enough to be noticed by others.

I don't plan to share this to you guys.

I looked at my phone to check the time.

I don't think I'm early but I can't see the Hanazawa, Okazaki and Arai.

After a few moments someone smacked my back




"You know I just recovered from hospital" I said and I saw Arai and Okazaki smiling

"Asahina-kun is so handsome it's scary!" Okazaki said teasing me.

"I'm jealous of Asahina, girls are talking on how they want to eat with Asahina" Arai said pointing to girls.

"I want to eat with Shinjiro" I said and they all laugh.

"You guys became close friends huh" Okazaki said

"Are you the one who cooked the bento, I never thought you are the type to cook" Arai said looking amazed.

"I cant cook" I whispered

"It is my brother who made this" I added

After some time of them teasing me on how I can't cook

Hanazawa arrived.

"Oh, that's Hana!" Arai said while staring at Hanazawa

"Hana is beautiful as always" Okazaki said grinning

Hanazawa walk towards us guys.

Hanazawa attracted a lot of attention specially from girls but she is a very strong girl that no one want to make her an enemy.

"You look beautiful and ready" Arai said

"Thanks! I love the clothes we bought and I trained really hard! I won't lose!" Hanazawa said and I can see an imaginary flame in her back

"Huh? Shinjiro is still not here?" Hanazawa asked staring around.

"Looks like it" I replied also while also looking around.

"Is that a bento?" Hanazawa asked staring to the boxed lunch

"Um yes, my brother cooked it for me" I said, Why I'm explaining this things.

"You know Shinjiro likes homemade foods" Hanazawa said with a grin

Really? Then he will like this right?

"But you know, judging from his character I bet he will not accept it without giving something in return" I said and someone grab my arm.

"Excuse me are you lost?" I asked to the guy grabbing my arm

This guy looks like he is embarrassed wearing a sports attire and his legs is like a girl. He is a guy right? I will be embarassed if he is a girl.

"Shinjiro is that you?" Okazaki asked staring at the guys face.


"Shinjiro really doesn't suit a sports attire at all he looks cute rather than tough" Arai saying looking worried

Shinjiro? This is Shinjiro?

"You are so cute Shinjiro" Hanazawa said looking to Shinjiro with sparkly eyes.

Shinjiro looked really uncomfortable.

"My brother forced me to wear this thing" Shinjiro said while fidgeting

He is really uncomfortable with what he is wearing.

The shorts are on the right length but looking at his legs it can pass as a girl.

So fragile.

"Stop looking it is embarrassing" Shinjiro whispered

I didn't notice I'm looking for too long.

"Sorry" I said apologizing. I just said that without hesitation and now I'm also getting embarrassed.

Hanazawa and others are talking to Shinjiro trying to calm him or make him a little more comfortable.

He is not wearing glasses.

So this is what he looks like if he is not wearing glasses.

"You're not going to wear your glasses?" I asked looking in a different side avoiding meeting his eye.

"Will you be ok?" I added.

From what I remember last time he look like a blind person. We are going to play is it fine?

"I'm going to be fine, my brother planned all of this. He said it will not look good if I wear my glasses so he bought me some contact lenses. It's scary even though he is my brother" Shinjiro explained

That brother of his?

"Asahina you're right, Shinjiro's brother is brocon" Hanazawa whispered to me.

"He has a huge brother complex" I bet he imagined his brother looking all cute playing sports.




Then I remember the bento.

"Um if you like we can eat together" I said showing the bento to him

Hanazawa looked like she is going to say something but stopped

Shinjiro looked surprised

"You can cook?" Shinjiro asked

Hey what kind of image does this people have on me?

"For the last time I do not cook, it is my brother who did it for me. I guess he intentionally cooked too much for me to share" I said and Shinjiro is giggling

"You really can't cook?" Shinjiro said

"Oy earlier you can't believe I can cook and now you're making fun of me because I can't cook. Are you going to eat with me or not?" I asked kind of getting embarrassed again.

"I will gladly eat the bento. Lets eat together" Shinjiro said staring at the bento

He looked excited on what is on the bento.

He really like homemade foods. I thought he might not accept it.

"Oh I might be interrupting the both of you but I guess the announcer is already speaking" Sakuma appeared warning us.

Announcer: Players of basketball boys and girl please proceed to gymnasium A.

"That's our call" Okazaki and Hanazawa both said

They waved goodbye as the both ran towards the gymnasium assigned to them.

Announcer: Players of Soccer boys and girls please proceed to the soccer court

"That's my call!" Arai said looking all excited

"See you" Shinjiro said and Arai left us

Announcer: players of Tennis single and doubles boy and girls please proceed to gymnasium C.

That's our call

I look at Shinjiro and we walked to Gymnasium C.

We arrived at Gymnasium C.

Students are all waiting for their turn to play.

"Are you from class III-B?" A representative asked

"Yes" I answered

"Alright follow me you guys will play the first game against III-F" The representative said

The game started and we get to serve first.

The game is going smoothly.

I'm mostly doing the attacking and most of the moving but I guess having someone on my back helps.

Shinjiro is playing quietly. I guess he is concentrating so hard.

"Game Set. Class III-B" the referee said

We finished our first game with a win.

"Asahina-kun good job" Shinjiro said out of the blue

"Um welcome" I said

He offered me a drink.

The mood between us after the win is so light. It feels good

"You are really good at tennis Asahina-kun" Shinjiro said smiling

I'm getting embarassed again.

I didn't speak because I don't want to say anything that might ruin the atmosphere.

"You know why I hate sports" Shinjiro said

"You said it" I whispered but he still heard

He glare at me.

I guess I failed in not ruining the mood?

"You said you're not going to tell me" I said while watching the next game start.

"I'm very bad at sports" Shinjiro said shyly

"So that's only it? I'm waiting for something more deep (or childish) " I whispered

So he is embarrassed he is not good at sports? That's it?

I expected something.

"You're really good at it Asahina-kun, I'm not even on the average level but we manage to win" Shinjiro said and smile.

He is smiling again.

"You know when you are playing sports you need have dedication on what you do, motivation to overcome many things and trust to yourself and others." Shinjiro said

"I'm a disappointing person I don't have any of that" Shinjiro added

When he said those words I feel a little sting in my chest.

It is like he is saying he is not, not even near on his standard of someone who should play.

We continue to play against other classes and we ate together peacefully.

The time I'm spending him right now is something I can tell so precious.

We are playing our last game. We are against III-A and this is a battle for the second place.

We lose against III-C earlier

"Asahina! Shinjiro! Goodluck" Okazaki, Arai and Hanazawa said cheering for us

I'm going to serve for our last point to win.

"Asahina-kun, it is fun playing with you" Shinjiro said while smiling

He is sweating hard and he is clearly exhausted but he is still playing as he can

I want to win.






Hanazawa is running towards us while Okazaki and Arai is following her.

"Congratulation on being in second place Asahina and Shinjiro!" Hanazawa said

She looks so glad.

Okazaki shows us thumb up and Arai smiled.

"I can't believe we won" Shinjiro said.

"Me too" I agreed

After we changed clothes I saw Kaguya-sensei walking towards us.

"That was great Asahina and Shinjiro" Kaguya-sensei said praising us.

Shinjiro is staring at Kaguya-sensei.

It is quite rude to stare like that to a sensei you know.

Kaguya-sensei smiled at Shinjiro.

"Uncle, you know something about this right?" Shinjiro said glaring at Kaguya-sensei

"Uncle? You're Shinjiro's uncle?" I to Kaguya-sensei and he smiled.

"Yes, well it go out pretty well" Kaguya-sensei said like he definetly did something great.

"So you planned all of this?" I asked

"Yes, and besides its only Shinjiro that you really like so I put his name only in the draw. It work out didn't it?" Kaguya-sensei said with a closed eyed smile.

"So you basically know what will happen?" I asked

"You're really good at tennis aren't you Asahina! Shinjiro is such a sucker for sports but you managed to be the second place" Kaguya-sensei said praising me but I can't be happy about it.

This teacher is quiet disturbing.

"Kaguya-sensei the principal is looking for you!" A festival representative said

"Got to go!" Kaguya-sensei said and he pat Shinjiro's head

"You are really cute in your outfit earlier, it is shame you changed. Iori did a great job" Kaguya-sensei said

He waved at us goodbye.

"What kind of person is he?" I ask to Shinjiro.

Shinjiro looked like he is still shocked.

"He's unpredictable" Shinjiro whispered

"Unpredictable huh? Look who is talking" I said and he looked at me with confusion.

Hanazawa and the others came right after Kaguya-sensei left.

They are still happy and full of energy.

"Asahina! Shinjiro!" They called waving at us.

We both walked towards them.

(Chapter End)

Author's Note:

What do you think of my story?

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