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Chapter 7: Carnival- 1

The carriage rode for a straight fifteen minutes before stopping in the center of the town of Sen. Amelia looked excited and couldn't wait to get down.

By now, the moon shone brightly. But to the people of Sen, the night was still young.

Like a gentleman, Tobias came out of the carriage and moved elegantly to the other side to get the door open for Amelia.

Unknowingly to her, Amelia opened the door herself which led to it hitting Tobias' nose.

"Oh. I'm sorry, did it hurt?" Amelia asked, standing up to help him. The coachman also came out but Tobias gestured for him to leave.

"Do not bother yourself with that. I should be okay after some massage," he started with a chuckle but Amelia wasn't buying it. With the force she had used to open the door, she was sure he was going to bleed from his nose.

"Allow me to see it," Amelia pleaded but Tobias kept covering his nose with his left hand.

Finally letting go, Amelia's hand flung to his face checking for possible injuries. Seeing none, she let out a sigh of relief.

"See? I told you I'm fine. That's what I get for trying to be a gentleman," he said and Amelia rolled her eyes before saying,

"I didn't know you were going to open the door for me. My apologies"

Tobias smiled politely at her before going to speak with the coachman. Amelia turned around and could see eyes on her. It wasn't heard that Tobias was seen with a Lady. Well, except her.

"She's not familiar. Do you think she's his fiancee?"

"No. She should be a dutiful servant. Come on, look at the way she's dressed. Definitely not someone from the higher society"

Amelia heard the townfolks gossip about her and their Lord. She could not blame them though, they had nothing better to do with their spare time.

"True. Maybe she's a servant who he decided to take to the fair. But then, the girl is beautiful. Do you think he's smitten by her?"

Hearing that line made Amelia roll her eyes. Smitten? She doubted heavily that Tobias had an interest in her.

She looked around to see if she could spot Emily. Unfortunately, she couldn't.

"Looking for someone?" Tobias asked seeing Amelia look left and right as if in search of something.

"Yes. I came with an acquaintance of mine. We separated because of our different wants and I got lost eventually"

Tobias nodded while Amelia watched his carriage leave.

"Do not worry, he'll come to pick us up later," he assured her while she smiled at him. "Let's take a walk if you do not mind"

Amelia obliged while they both walked side by side on the street.

"Aren't you scared of your identity being known? You're their Lord"

Amelia was confused about why Tobias would follow her knowing full well who he was.

"I think I should throw the question to you too. Wearing normal clothes doesn't tell well for a princess," he replied with a smile.

"I'm not familiar with them. So many of them have only heard my name and not even gotten to see me in person," responded Amelia. "But you. You are the Lord of this town and I know many of them should know you"

Tobias chuckled at her response. The street was only getting even more crowded because this would be a night to remember. Most of the families locked their doors to go out while others chatted casually on the street. Though the moon was giving enough light to the town, the town folks held lanterns, some held burning woods while the children made fireworks.

Amelia jolted at the sound of the released firework. She could sense happiness brewing in the air.

"That friend of yours. Do you have an idea where she might be?" Tobias asked.

"How quick of you to conclude that I'm friends with her. She's an acquaintance but I look forward to something better someday," Amelia said before continuing, "I'm not sure. But I'll wait for her, we must find her somehow"

"The place is too crowded," Tobias said, and with that, they both heard another thunderous firework.

"Permit me to ask. Who am I to you, Princess Amelia?" Tobias asked all of a sudden and Amela felt her legs go weak. Who he was? Was this a test or did he just want to know?

'I'm infatuated by you' was all she wanted to shout, but how could she?

"I've known you for some time now. You've been a go- good frien--" Amelia choked on her own spit and she stopped walking.

"Are you okay?" Tobias asked with genuine care in his voice and eyes for her and that was enough to stop the choking.

She looked at his black eyes and pressed her lips together.

"I'm fine now. Let's keep going," she replied only to hear another firework. "Soon, I'm pretty sure I'll have to start closing my ears"

"Amelia. Amelia- Ame"

The Lord and Amelia turned back to see Emily running towards them. On reaching them, the girl held her can't as she breathed harshly. "I've been looking everywhere for you"

Emily finally took a look at the person beside Amelia and her eyes widened upon seeing him. She immediately straightened her shoulders and licked her lips.

"Oh, Amelia. I didn't know that you knew him," Emily said with a small smile on her lips.

"I do know him. We've bee-"

"I'm Lord Tobias, a dear friend of Princess Amelia here"

Amelia had tried to speak only to be interrupted by Tobias' manly voice. Dear friend?

Amelia's heart struggled to keep itself in. She had considered him a friend but he considered her a dear friend. Oh, was the world ending?

"I see..." Emily drawled, gauging Tobias with her eyes. "I was worried when I didn't see you. If only I knew you were in good hands"

Amelia offered Emily a smile at what she just said.

"I'm glad we are all here. I couldn't find any fancy jewelry to buy here in Sen. I'll visit peaches soon," Emily lied when in truth she had seen several beautiful pieces of jewelry. Unfortunately, she couldn't afford the top-notch ones due to her father cutting her pocket money short.

"I know of a store that sells good pieces of jewelry but for a high price. Should I take you there?" Tobias asked Emily who rolled her eyes before answering,

"That won't be needed, Milord. I also forgot to add that the shopkeepers here have no respect for customers"

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