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Chapter 39: Father and Son

The next day.

The rest all wondered what happened to Zack's face but he only told them that he tripped and fell. He couldn't exactly fight back as that woman was still Yang's mother and Qrow's sister so he only dodged and ran away but that woman's semblance is very very annoying.

Even at one point, she suddenly teleported them towards a deserted forest then her eyes started to glow and bombarded Zack with elemental attacks, without the use of dust, that could kill a regular huntsman. After that, she left him there with her face still twitching in anger. Zack was confused on that part but he logically reasoned with himself that maybe she really did have menopause as he asked her before she teleported them here.

Fortunately, Zack has his minions for transportation to get back before his teammates wake up from their sleep.

The next few more weeks went by as more foreign students came, and the Vytal festival was steadily approaching. Every team was practicing for the event especially the older ones as this may be their last chance in participating.

Team RWBY sometimes went on their own mission as they sought to improve themselves without depending on Zack. They came up with different combinations of their teamwork but they still did Zack's exercises as they could feel it's working for them.

Weiss could now summon the whole upper torso of Arma Gigas, a foe she defeated(A/N: from White Trailer) and she is still struggling to make it last, as of right now, she could only do it for 10 minutes.

Ruby can now use her semblance, Petal Burst, to fly while also using her scythe to cut everything on her path but it still takes a toll on her stamina.

Yang can now control her semblance, Burn, the ability to absorb energy from the damage she has taken, and redirect it twice as hard as her opponent, effectively making her stronger with each hit she takes, without losing her cool.

Lastly, Blake can now make her clones move independently and take two or three good hits before disappearing.

They marveled at their progress but one thing still didn't change, they all still couldn't beat Zack.

They didn't know that Zack never stopped training as he kept on breaking his limits every time he trains and fights.

Team ZPNR on the other hand has now numerous missions under their belt. Ren, Pyrrha, and Nora excelled on these missions that their skills improved to a certain degree.

Ren can now move and even attack when his semblance is in use, he became the assassin in the group that even in one of their missions, he took on a horde by himself and defeated every single one of them without being noticed.

Pyrrha took in Zack's advice on her semblance that she almost defeated Zack himself while using her semblance in full power. She became like a certain mutant wearing a metal helmet on his head as she could now move a large quantity of metal to do her bidding.

Out of all Zack's group, Nora improved the most even compared to Pyrrha. She can now regularly use her semblance, High Voltage, the ability to produce, and channel electrical energy into her muscles, giving her enhanced strength and speed. Due to her improved control, she can now imitate a certain hunter who was raised by a family of assassins. Before in her usual style, she would just tank all of her opponent's attacks but now using her so-called Pancake Power, she could hardly be hit first before she hit her opponents two or three times first.

During this time, Zack wasn't idle as he could finally talk with his resident homicidal maniac. In the first seconds, they did talk but after that, they continued fighting each other purely on the skills of their sword styles. Due to this, Zack's sword capabilities sky-rocketed even further than he used to have when he died.

During their usual spars between his group, Zack usually holds back on everyone except for Nora and sometimes for Pyrrha as well.

Sephiroth managed to persuade(annoy) Zack on making a retractable sword that could extend six-to-eight feet long much like Sephiroth's sword, Masamune. Zack kept it on his hips at all times just for precaution but he absolutely loathes in using the sword resembling the one that Aerith was stabbed with.

All in all, team ZPNR became incredibly strong that some say that they would win this whole tournament. Ozpin even discreetly placed all of his bets on team ZPNR in winning under his alias, Immortal Coffee.

While all of them got ready for the festival, the three spies that they caught are still in their personalized cells.

Emerald was stationed in a cell that has multiple types of cameras including heat sensors as she often tricks them from the inside using her semblance. Everyone who visited that got tricked by her was not happy, including Ironwood, so he consulted Ozpin and he oddly recommended Zack for it.

Ironwood grew curious but he relented and approached Zack. Zack's opinion was weirdly unorthodox but he considered that so they installed TV screens all over Emerald's cell.

"Oho, what's this? Thanks for the entertainment boys" Emerald sweetly thanked the guards.

The guards didn't respond to her and eventually finished their work and left Emerald on her cell.

"Hmm, now what? You guys gonna make me watch some scary movies or somethi-" Emerald stopped talking as the TV came on and played its file.

"Fighting evil by moonlight, winning love by daylight, never running from a real fight, she is the one named MAGICAL GIRL LEVI-TAN!" The screens turned on and a children's show came on but instead of a cute girl in costume, the one on the screen was a big buff guy posing.

"..." Emerald became speechless at this as she looked on towards the camera.

"What is this? Is this some kind of joke?" Emerald taunted the guards watching her but she didn't get a response as the show on the screen continued its program.

"Heh, I was pretty sure you guys would make me watch something more extreme than this," Emerald chuckled.

After 24 hours of non-stop screening, Ironwood came to see the results of Zack's suggestion but what he saw was Emerald curled like a baby, her hands covering her ears and she was crying while mumbling sorry repeatedly.

"Hmm, I guess it worked out too well, maybe I can use this on some of our undesirable prisoners," Ironwood thought out loud as all of the guards who heard him, nodded with him.

Cinder was in a stasis-like condition as they all opted to let her sleep. They all deemed her too dangerous to be placed on an ordinary cell as she still has half of the maiden's powers.

Out of all the three of them, Mercury has the most ordinary cell as all they have to do is empty the ammunition on his prosthetic feet. After a few days passed, he quickly got bored out of his mind that he somehow managed to create a doll puppet that he named Cinder-puppet.

Everyone who saw him talking and flirting with his puppet was weirded out by this, even Ironwood when he checked on him.

All in all, the three spies were cut-off from Salem's connection much to Salem's frustration towards Cinder and her little group.


At present at the Vytal Arena.

Team RWBY easily defeated their first opponents as their hard work paid off but they didn't celebrate as they knew a team that could easily surpass them. Even though they knew that they won't just give up without trying.

They were now outside, looking for something to eat.

"Ughhh… so hungry… need fishies…" Blake groaned out as she was walking with her team.

"Same… Hey, how about that stall?" Yang replied as she pointed out a noodle stand.

The rest just shrugged their shoulders as they took a seat and placed their orders. The vendor nodded instantly as he brought out Weiss, Ruby, and Yang's order which was a big bowl of noodles but as he looked in Blake's direction. He grew serious as Blake also nodded seriously at him, then the vendor went back to cook Blake's special order a few more seconds than the rest.

Blake was presented with a big bowl of fishies, as she instantly drooled on sight.

As they were about to eat, they were joined in by team ZPNR, with Zack and Nora arguing again and Ren and Pyrrha just sighing about their partners/lovers.

"Hi, guys, congratulations on the win," Pyrrha commented as she took a seat while her team also followed her.

"Thanks, Pyrrha! Good luck on your match later I know you guys will definitely crush it," Ruby replied.

"That's right, you guys are not allowed to lose until we, team RWBY, finally defeat you guys especially him!" Weiss commented as she pointed at Zack who was arguing with Nora about the greatest stuffings you could place on a sandwich.

"Yeah, that's right! Don't get me wrong, even though I love the guy, I also want to finally beat his ass after so many years," Yang immediately added as she cracked her knuckles while looking at her boyfriend.

"I *chew* also *chew* feel *chew* the *chew* same *gulp* this time team RWBY will defeat-what are they doing?" Blake asked suddenly as she saw Zack and Nora gathering all the stuffings they could get.

The rest also noticed this as they watched the two take out each pair of bread out of nowhere and faced each other while both of them were wearing glasses.

"I told you already Ms. Valkyrie, viewing this logically and scientifically, it is proven by many for years that… CHOCOLATE IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO WHEN STUFFING A SANDWICH!" Zack righteously exclaimed as he tried to reason with Nora.

"Huhuhu, Mr.Fair, you disappoint me! Based on my extensive research and data gathering, it is a proven fact that… CHEESE IS MORE YUMMY THAN CHOCOLATE IN A SANDWICH!!" Nora replied as both of them took hold of their respective stuffing and waving around each other's faces.

They argued back and forth for a few more minutes while all of their friends watched at the side while eating as they were now used to these two's antics.

They continued arguing until both of them accidentally spilled their stuffings on one single bread. They both instantly stopped as they looked on seriously as Nora carefully placed another bread on top of the stuffed bread while Zack hesitantly took the sandwich and sliced it in two.


Zack and Nora grew serious at this as they both gulped at this. They both took one half of the sandwich and slowly took a bite.

The rest grew quiet as well as they watched both of them not making any moves as they immediately brought down their heads then they gradually trembled until finally, they exclaimed at the same time.

"DELICIOUS!!! FOR OUR DREAMS!! OUR HONOR!! AND OUR… CHOCO-CHEESE SANDWICH!!" they both yelled out easily gaining the attention of everyone near them.


The rest just sighed at this as both Pyrrha and Ren stood up and dragged both of their dazed partners away from there as they also needed to get ready for their fight.

"Good luck guys!" Ruby waved at them as they made their way back to the arena

Ren and Pyrrha waved back while still dragging their partners/lovers.




The crowd in the arena cheered loudly as both teams made their way at the center but all of them couldn't help get curious at two members of team ZPNR. They were in a daze with smiling faces while they were being dragged by their teammates.

*Sigh* "Nora, Zack, can you guys pull yourselves together, we're about to begin our fight here," Ren asked calmly.


The stage landscape started changing to a forest on one side while rocky cliffs on the other.


Team BRNZ consists of three guys and a girl. Nolan, a guy with a stun baton, Roy, the guy with circular saws, Brawnz, the one with armored claws, and May Zedong, the girl with a customized rifle. They saw their opponents not even looking at them with two of them still being in a daze and at that, they began laughing at them.

"Hahaha! Can you believe our luck with picking such an easy team as our first opponent!" Brawnz laughed out loud with his team nodding with him.

"Heh, looks like we should get our celebration earlier than expected," Nolan said as he smirked.

"Damn right! Yeah!!" Roy cheered as he confidently looked at their opponents.

"Honestly, I expected better from a team rumored to be the strongest on Beacon, Heh, looks like they were just rumors then," May commented as they approached the still distracted team.

Their words were heard by many in the arena, including team RWBY at the sidelines. All of them who interacted with ZPNR didn't comment as they all thought of one simple thing about team BRNZ, ignorance is bliss.

Ren and Pyrrha naturally heard this as Pyrrha was pissed at that so she pulled in Nora and Zack's dazed faces and said to them "Nora, Zack honey, you see our opponents, they said that chocolate pancake is disgusting," Pyrrha said as she smiled innocently.


Team BRNZ suddenly stopped as they felt something ominous looking at them. They saw Nora and Zack soundlessly standing up and started coming their way with their heads brought down. They all took out their weapons as something was telling them to run.

They looked in Ren and Pyrrha's directions as both of them already took a seat as they looked like they were not going to fight anymore but as they looked carefully at Pyrrha, she was waving at them with an angelic smile on her face while her other hand, her thumb is facing the ground.

They grew curious at that gesture but before they could even comment on it they were suddenly flung away in different directions as they all felt they were just hit on their stomachs. They finally noticed the two members who were a bit away from them suddenly got a lot closer and were heading to May and Brawnz.

They all stood up and readied their weapons as Roy threw his pair circular saw, May aimed and fired at both of them while Brawnz and Nolan charged.

Nora and Zack casually dodged May's bullets and Roy's saws as Brawnz and Nolan were about to hit them, they were suddenly blasted away towards May and Roy in which case all of them laid on the ground.

"Ughh… How the hell," Nolan groaned out with the rest of them shaking their head to lighten their aching heads.

"I don't know but I believe that was a lucky sh-*Kurk!*" Brawnz was cut off as he was the first one to stand up but before he finished his sentence he was blasted again but this time they all saw Zack spartan kick him.

Brawnz flew towards a tree.


As Brawnz rebounded from the tree due to the force, an ax kick suddenly came from above and hit the back of his head then as his face was brought down, a high kick made its way towards his face.


As Brawnz was stunned from the three continuous attacks, he started falling on his back but a hand took hold of his face then slammed his head on the ground in which produced a cloud of dust covering them.



"Brawnz of team BRNZ is out!" Port timely narrated as the cloud thinned, all of them saw Brawnz is unconscious with his aura on the red.

The rest of his team couldn't believe what they saw.

Zack, who was in front of them, disappeared and suddenly they saw him standing above a knocked-out Brawnz. They couldn't see his movements but before they could dwell on it, Roy was attacked by a thunderbolt in the shape of Nora, who kicked him on his chin making Roy fly but before he could get any higher, Nora took hold of both of his ankles then smashed him on the ground twice.

Roy was stunned as he slammed on the ground and rebounded for a bit then saw a fist coming for his stomach. The fist connected to his stomach the same time he hit the ground, it was the last thing he saw and felt before he lost consciousness.



"Roy of team BRNZ is also out!" Port's voice rang out in the arena as the audience and the rest of team BRNZ was speechless at this.

Nolan and May took a few steps back at these displays of strength but they suddenly noticed one thing, those two didn't use any weapons but they still both knocked out two of their teammates. They shakingly brought out their weapons at them while backing away.

"You mongrels… you dare utter such blasphemous words in our presence!" Zack said as he started walking in their direction while his hair started becoming silver.

"I find your lack of faith, disturbing… we ought to fix that right?!" Nora commented as she took out her hammer and started to emit blue arcs of electricity while smiling at them innocently.


Everyone who saw them couldn't help shiver but before the two could continue, they were interrupted by Pyrrha's shout.

"Hey, guys! I was just joking about earlier!" Pyrrha's voice stopped both of them as Zack's hair returned to its original color while Nora's electricity died down as well.


"Hahaha why didn't you say so," Zack laughed as he showed them his smile.

"Oh, Pyrrha you silly goose!! You shouldn't joke about that," Nora commented as she brought back her weapon and laughed innocently.


"*mumble* That was reckless Pyrrha! We could've been disqualified if you didn't manage to stop them! *mumble*" Ren whispered to Pyrrha.

"*mumble* Well they started it and don't worry, not like some fool will really say those words to them *mumble*" Pyrrha replied while unknowingly setting a flag.

"*mumble* Your right but I can't help but worry about their obsession though *mumble*" Ren commented as they started approaching their ignored opponents while Pyrrha was nodding in agreement.

Ren and Pyrrha easily finished off their remaining opponents as they lost the will to fight, especially the two smiling food junkies performing their secret handshake.


Everyone cheered for their victory but suddenly Zack and Weiss noticed a certain flying ship heading for the docking bay. This was also noticed by a disguised man watching from the sidelines, he smirked as he and Weiss headed towards it while Zack did the opposite, he immediately went towards Ozpin's office to voice his concern about the possible bitc-woman inside that ship.

A crowd of people gathered around that specific ship as they looked in awe at the ship but as the ship landed and opened. Two Atlesian robotic soldiers came down first then a few normal soldiers followed by a beautiful white-haired woman in an Atlesian uniform with a strict expression on her face.

They didn't say anything and went straight forward towards the Beacon Academy but as they were half-way there, someone from the crowd called out to the woman.

"Winter!" Weiss's voice rang out as she made her way towards her sister.

"Hmm, Weiss, how are you? And your studies?" Winter asked after she gave Weiss a quick hug.

"I'm doing alright as well as my studies, thank you for asking," Weiss replied with a happy smile.

As they were talking, they were interrupted by the sounds of fighting, and then a head of an Atlesian robot fell towards their feet as they looked on who had the audacity to attack the military.

"Well well, if it wasn't the Ice Queen, oh sorry, were these yours," Qrow's voice rang out as he removed his disguise and made it towards them.

"You!! What are you doing here! Do you know how much they cost!? You are going to have to pay for those!" Winter aggressively yelled out as the sight of Qrow's face quickly made her annoyed.

"Heh… make me!" Qrow replied as he motioned Winter to come.

"Tsk!" Winter immediately drew out her sword from her waist and charged at Qrow.

Qrow smirked as he took out his weapon in sword form and parried easily every strike she gave in which seemed to be angering Winter more.

They continued fighting for a few more minutes until they were interrupted by Ozpin and Ironwood with Glynda following them while on her back, Zack was trying his best hiding from Winter.

"Officer Schnee, I believe we should continue this in a more closed-door, and Qrow… congrats by the way," Ironwood said as he smirked evilly at Qrow, who shivered and looked everywhere as if the demon was here.

"Worry not Qrow, she doesn't know you're here so you can stay for the time being," Ozpin commented as he reassured Qrow.

"*Phew* Don't joke like that James, it's not funny…" Qrow relaxed as he approached them but he grew curious when noticing Zack acting weird.

They eventually got into Ozpin's office with Zack trying to sneak away on the way but Glynda's grip and smile didn't let him as she noticed Zack's weird behavior ever since Winter arrived.

As they started talking about the security and the politics regarding the compromised Haven's Academy, Winter finally noticed something hiding behind Glynda.

"*Cough* Excuse me, but may I know who is that behind you Ms.Goodwitch?" Winter asked as the rest also got their attention.

Glynda didn't reply as she suddenly stepped back for Winter to see Zack, who was looking anywhere but in her direction.

"Hmm… I feel as though I already met you before, can you look straight for a second young man," Winter commented as she focused while stepping closer.

Zack slowly turned his head but before half-way, Winter immediately went in front of him and strangled Zack back and forth with vigor.

"Y-y-you!!! I finally found you… you… BASTARD!!!" Winter said as she strangled Zack.

"U-u-ugh!! W-w-wait! I-i-it was only an accident!! I swear that was entirely unintentional!!" Zack said as he tried getting away from Winter.

The rest grew curious at that as Winter is turning red in anger more than the times she argued with Qrow. They watched Winter desperately strangling Zack while Zack himself is still trying to appease the furious Winter off of him.


The two finally remembered there are other people inside as Winter immediately let go of Zack.

"Do you know each other?" Ironwood asked as seeing his strict officer like that is very out of the ordinary for him.

"...No sir, I apologize for the display as I mistook him for someone else," Winter answered strictly and professionally but they notice her hands are still clenched tightly, evident from the popped vein on her hand.

They all knew she was lying but no one was that eager to die as they see that Winter is desperately trying to control herself but alas, there was one moron amidst them.

*Cough* *cough* "Damn, you still have that temper after all these years, well that just confirms that you're still a single maiden but if I were you, I'd hurry up finding your Mr.Perfect or you'll end up like Pops' sister, a bitter old hag," Zack muttered as he fixed his clothes normally but as the room was quiet, they all heard it.


"HAHAHA!! Wow brat, who knew you had balls of steel, even I wouldn't say those words to Ice Queen," Qrow laughed as he felt proud at his son's growth.

"Huh, what are you talking about Pops?" Zack asked curiously.

"We heard what you just said, brat" Qrow smirked at him.


"Oh… I thought I said it in my mind though, hmm my bad," Zack unconsciously said light-heartedly.

Everyone suddenly felt an abundance of bloodlust as Winter's face grew even colder than any of them seen but the situation even got worse as a red portal instantly formed in the room. Raven came out of the portal with her eyes glowing with power and her hand on her weapon while glaring at Zack's direction.

Winter and Raven slowly approached Zack with their eyes scary focused on him while he finally noticed the gravity of the situation.


"...*cough* Beautiful young ladies, I beseech you on my final words as I speak the truth and nothing but the truth," Zack said hurriedly as he even bowed to show his sincerity.

Winter and Raven stopped at their tracks as they listened to the moron's final words as did everyone else in the room but Qrow suddenly got a very ominous feeling as he looked on at his son.

"My father, Qrow Branwen, taught me to say those things to beautiful young ladies as such yourself so if you're gonna kill someone, kill-Mmmmm," Zack's mouth was immediately covered by a pale Qrow as he felt their eyes turn to him.

'Sh*t! sh*t!! This brat is trying to take me with him!!' Qrow quickly shot a glare towards his son but Zack just maniacally grinned at him.

"Hmm… is that so… looks like today I will lose a brother," Raven commented as they felt Raven's aura surging.

"That's… acceptable, only Qrow's evil spawn will dare say such words," Winter agreed with Raven as giant Glyphs appearing inside the room.

Zack shot a victorious smirk at Qrow but before he could celebrate he heard them continue speaking.

"Still, that evil spawn uttered those words, he should at least lose an arm or a leg," Raven muttered.

"Mmm, they are both the evil the world doesn't a need, or maybe their third leg will be more fitting?" Winter commented as her eyes were a hundred percent serious.

At that comment, both father and son grew pale white as they instantly disappeared from the room, running for their lives.

A few more moments pass, both Raven and Winter also disappear to chase after those two.

Ozpin, Ironwood, and Glynda, who were left in the office, didn't know what to do but after a few more seconds, they snapped out of it.

Ironwood immediately ordered his men to stop his officer from murdering those two, Glynda quickly chased after them to stop trying to kill her Zack and Ozpin spoke on the speakers covering the entire festival in order on dissuading those two from committing murder.





A series of explosions rang out and were heard by almost everyone on Beacon.

*Sigh* 'At least wait for Zack in winning this festival so I could get my winnings' Ozpin thought as he sipped his heaven on a mug while both he and Ironwood waited for them to come back, alive hopefully.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Olla me amigos (≧∇≦)/

My bad on the update,

Our country just got bitch slapped by three super typhoons


and oh yeah,

I'm gonna be sticking to one chapter per week coz I'm lazy


can't touch this

( /¯ °3° )/¯

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