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Chapter 20: The Definition of Dense

As Zack and Ren went towards Ruby's group, the three ladies finally broke out of their trance, stood up, took their sleeping bag, and went towards them.

"Hey there Rubes, Weiss, who's your new friend?" Zack asked as even though Weiss and he didn't start with the best first impressions, Zack can see her perspective on Ruby changed for the better.

"Oh, this is our new friend-" Ruby started but she was cut off by Ren.

"Nora! You made new friends already and without breaking their legs, I'm proud of you" Ren said appreciatively.

"Yup! We are girlfriends now! Not like girlfriends, girlfriends but more like friends that are girls!" Nora excitedly replied to Ren.

"Well, hey there Nora, and Weiss, the name's Zack Fair, nice to meet ya!" Zack said enthusiastically.

Even though Weiss thought that they didn't have the best first impression with each other, she can see Zack's trying to amend that so she replied first, "Weiss Schnee, nice to meet you too"

"Helllooo!! Nora, Nora Valkyrie, pancake enthusiast and breaker of legs!" Nora excitedly said.

*sigh* "She's the one I was talking to you about," Ren just sighed and looked towards Zack.

"Oh, that's her! You don't like someone that can eat 200 stacks of pancakes" Zack commented.


"D-did you just question one of my identities! Blasphemy! I will show you tomorrow! Mama knows her pancakes!!" Nora animatedly exclaimed and pointed at Zack with unwavering resolve.

"Huh, then bring it!" Zack challenged back as one of the things he retained was his never-back-out attitude.

As the two got in a heated conversation, a voice interrupted them, more specifically, Zack.

"H-hey Zack, d-do you still remember me?" Pyrrha suddenly went in front of Zack before Yang and Blake could've even said anything.

"Huh? Hmm let's see, beautiful red hair and mesmerizing green eyes… wait, your Pyrrha Nikos! The one that dumped me from back then" Zack said thoughtlessly in front of their group.


'Awkward!!' Thought of everybody who heard that.

"Hahaha how you've been! Don't worry, what's done is done so no need to fret over that anymore, I won't trouble you or anything like that so you don't need to worry! We're all friends here!" Zack exclaimed while smiling and scratching his head.

Zack didn't realize that he just friend-zoned everyone there and including the three frozen struck girls gaping at him.

*whispering* "Hey, Ruby, is Zack always like this? You know, dense like a rock?" Weiss whispered to Ruby while Nora and Ren also leaned in with them and nodded with Weiss.

*whispering* "A-ah yeah, even at home, almost everybody knows that Yang has a thing for Zack except for him, I don't know, when it comes to fighting, he could easily beat everyone else's but when it comes to this topic, he sucks," Ruby stated seriously while they all looked at three frozen girls looking at an innocently smiling Zack.

'T-this is gonna be harder than I thought' The three girls thought of but not one didn't just give up from that.

The next day,

As morning came, Zack was in a complicated position, Blake and Pyrrha were at his side very close but on top of him was Yang hugging him like a koala. Needless to say, everyone who saw that was awed by the three girls' advances and hated Zack's handsome face.

After that awkward morning for Zack, they finished breakfast, suited up on their lockers and now they were in front of a cliff with numerous metal platforms lined-up beneath them.

Every one of them was all geared up and now they're looking at Ozpin's directions waiting for his instructions in this initiation.

"For years you have trained to become warriors, and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest." Ozpin started as he looked over all of them.

"Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today." Glynda stated.

"what.." Ruby suddenly groaned.

"These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well... " Ozpin said as he was drawing it out.

"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years," Ozpin said as everyone could've heard a distinct glass breaking in the background, but no one was bothered by it.

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you will die." Ozpin advised them.

"You will be monitored but our instructor will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair chooses one and returns to the top of the cliff. You will guard that item and we will grade you appropriately" Ozpin said calmly.

Everyone was still calm after that explanation.

"Any question?" Ozpin asked.

"Yes, yes I do have one" Zack suddenly said with a serious tone as he looked towards Ozpin.

"Goo- What?" Ozpin asked curiously as he was sure that Zack was serious.

"..." Everyone waited for his question as it may be important given that serious expression on his face.

Zack quickly switched his attention to Glynda, who flinched, and said.

"Can I buy you dinner later tonight?" Zack said without a bit of shamelessness in his voice.


*tttinnntt* *pyung!!*

Zack's metal pad suddenly activated and he flew away but just as they saw him go out of their sights they still heard him shout.

"I'LL TAKE THAT AS A YES GLYNDA!!!" Zack yelled back as he finally reached his flight's peak.


*sigh* "I know I didn't make a rule on banning dating your students but please ms. Goodwitch, try avoiding flirting on school grounds" Ozpin said seriously but if one were to concentrate on his face right now, they'll notice he was enjoying this.

At that remark, immediately everyone's attention went to Glynda. Especially the three girl's eyes that were scary focused on her right now.

"H-headmaster! E-everyone! Y-you got it wrong! We are just in a student-teacher relationship! H-he was just joking, that's right! It was just a joke!!" Glynda tried explaining but everyone's stares didn't let up so she ended up activating all of their pads simultaneously in panic.

*tttinnntt* *pyung!!*

*Haa* *Haa* *Haa* "...You're enjoying this aren't you?" Glynda said as she blushed and panted due to her embarrassment.

"Hmmm, I don't know what you're talking about," Ozpin said as he turned away from her while sipping his coffee on his mug 'Ahh what a great start in the morning'.

Back at everyone else, they're landing strategy was the same as in the canon except for three ones as they all dived towards Zack's position after he was flung over.

Yang used her Ember Celica, a pair of Dual Ranged Shot Gauntlets, to propel herself in front to increase her chances of finding Zack.

Blake used her Gambol Shroud, a Variant Ballistic Chain Scythe, and her semblance to jump from each still shadow clone to reduce her descent while she looked for Zack as well.

Pyrrha on the other hand used her Miló, was a red-and-bronze spear-like weapon that could transform into a rifle or a short sword and a shield called Akoúo̱, which resembled a classic hoplon, to glide over in a certain direction where she suspects that her target went into by using her semblance on them.

As for Zack, he didn't use anything and just enjoyed his air time but as he felt that the ground was getting nearer, he spread out his arms, straightened his legs then began to flip several times until he stopped and did a superhero landing.


"Whoaa!! That was a nice flight, I kinda miss flying with Bubba and Smaug now, but more importantly, where should I take Glynda tonight" Zack said casually to himself while doing some stretches.

"Well, enough dilly dally, I have to find my partner and the relic," Zack said as he took the northern direction while taking out his First Tsurugi's core sword from his back.

Zack currently has on his back was his hollow blade and both of his serrated blades. He didn't bring the other two as he doubts there is any Grand alpha on here in these initiations. That is because when he created this enhanced First tsurugi/Fusion sword, it was meant for alpha and grand alphas.

Zack peacefully walked a few more minutes while killing Grimms that came his way, when suddenly he heard a few sounds of running towards his way, Zack focused his attention on this because whoever was running had Aura.

Suddenly a girl with long hair broke through the trees accompanied by her heavy breathing.

*haa* *haa* *haa*

"He should be here, the trails of smoking dead Grimms all stop- Oh, Zack, what a coincidence! I guess we are now partners!" The girl said with a sweet smile.

"Huh, would you look at that, I guess we are now, but why are you so out of breath?" Zack said with a concerned voice.


"O-oh, I-i was just anxious about not finding my partner you see, I totally didn't mark and calculated where you would land earlier," The girl said with a shaky voice.

"Hmmmmm" Zack didn't say anything and just looked at her.

The girl got nervous as she thought her lie was easily seen through as she wasn't used to lying.

*sigh* "You don't have to hide it from me, I already knew about it from the very start you came out of there," Zack said as he nodded understandingly.

"Y-you d-do?" The girl stuttered lightly as her face suddenly blushed.

"Hah, who do you think I am, I know that you're just too shy to say it to me" Zack nodded sagely.

"Y-y-y-y-y-you d-d-d-d-d-do!?" The girl was a nervous wreck right now as her face was steaming at this point.

"Ever since yesterday, I know it already, you don't have to hide it anymore," Zack said understandingly.

"..." The girl's heart was beating very loud right now as she felt, her dream was about to come true with Zack's words.

"You like Ren right, don't worry! I know Nora and Ren have this going on friendship to lover relationship, but I'll support you nonetheless, ah young love, I wonder where I should invite Glynda later" Zack said with an honest smile while winking at the girl.

*glass shatters*

'H-he t-thinks that I have a thing with Ren...'


'You know what, screw being shy! I'll just **** the moron right here right now so he could get this through his dense skull' The girl's thought right now as she saw him fantasizing about his date with her professor.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

A moment of silence to the dense moron,

( ˘ ͜ʖ ˘)

the moment passed,

continue to the story

can you guess who that was??

( ͡ಠ ͜ʖ ͡ಠ)

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