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Chapter 14: C-1.14

When you think about spending time inside a sun, most would probably think about a very painful experience and if you are able to with stand the heat of the sun then, it would probably be one of the most exciting experiences you could ever have, no? 

I can, for one, say that spending time inside a sun is nothing like that. It may have been, at least for the first few minutes but…

// Time spent 49/60 min // 

When you spend over 45 minutes inside one, then it gets boring fast. After all I can't really do anything besides waiting, and while being able to feel yourself get stronger by the minute is a very nice feeling that, too, gets boring fast. After all I don't really know how strong I am right now…

But after 51 minutes here, something changed. I felt something new, but it wasn't foreign. It was almost like I always had whatever it was but just didn't know it was there. But now I could feel it. Whatever it was…

But I had a feeling like it wanted to change something, so I guided it towards my hand. But nothing happened…

Maybe I need to think about something, so that it can change to that?

I started thinking about a simple sword. Nothing special about it, just a handle and a blade. But once more, nothing happened. Hmm, maybe this is too specific? How about my hand in general just becoming deadlier, sharper. And then something changed. My fingers grew just a bit and became pointed at the end… and I could almost feel how sharp they were. 

So, I did the only thing I could think of to test how sharp they were… and brought them up to my arm and ran a finger over it. And it actually cut it. Yes, I healed instantly and after trying to do it again nothing happened, but still, my fingers got very sharp. And another thing I noticed is that staying inside a sun did wonders for my heat resistance. It didn't enhance my durability, at least not through adaptation….

I stared at my hand in wonder. This? This could prove to be useful, very useful. I might be able to do something besides just punching things, without having to worry about a weapon… I couldn't help but grin. This blue sun really did wonders for me, and I say that while not even knowing how much stronger I got. 

Now the only problem is, what do I tell Linkle? I could just lie to her and tell her that I unlocked some of my memories and with it a new power, but… I really don't want to lie to her, even more than I already have at least. So, I think I am going to tell her the truth, at least a part of it. I think this much she deserves. At the very least. And so, I spent the last few minutes thinking about how I will tell Linkle, that I just got sent into some kind of different dimension. Directly in front of a blue sun, spent an hour there and not even a single second passing in the real world…

But before I can give it more thought… 

// Time spent 60/60 // 

// You will now be sent back //

"Cid! Thank god you're fine. I almost thought I hit you with that bomb arrow. You aren't hurt anywhere, are you?"

"No, I feel good. Better than before even… seems like whoever sent me here, gave me more things to do than I remember. And although they aren't a requirement, for what I am not too sure, they do give me some benefits. This time for example, I was sent in front of a sun, a blue one to be exact, and was able to spend an hour there. Besides that, I also remembered some things about my race. Something I was able to remember, for example, is that people of my race grow stronger in the daylight, I am a bit different from them though, and the hotter the sun the bigger the increase in strength. And a blue sun is so hot that it is able to awaken new powers in some of us… and I awakened one, too." 

To show her my new ability, I brought up my hand and sharpened my fingers once more. And I could see Linkle think about everything I said for a few seconds before she cast her gaze towards the hand I held out. Only to raise an eyebrow when she saw what happened to my hand. She then shook her head and started talking.

"Getting stronger by simply being in the sun? You really hit the jackpot, huh? Well at least you want to defeat the calamity, so only good came out of it. But still, with this new power of yours you should be able to at least have some way to cut something, without immediately destroying another weapon." She must have seen the surprise on my face and continued talking. 

"Being sent into a different dimension by some kind of higher power isn't the weirdest thing I have heard. I mean as far as we know Zelda has the power of a goddess… And I am able to use some time magic, only instinctively mind you, but time magic non the less. So, if there is some kind of god or goddess that wants you to stop Ganon then, your patron helping you isn't too weird. And for a god stopping time for a minute and creating a sun in a different dimension shouldn't be too hard…"

I shook my head. I forgot that Hyleans believe in goddesses. And now that I think about it… the Triforce should be able to grant a single wish to whoever completes it, no? I really need to stop thinking as if I am still in my old world… 

"I, for one, am just happy that you got even stronger. Every bit of power we get could decide the fight against the Calamity." I simply smiled at her and shook my head. Then I looked around to see everything that the Talus left behind…

"Now then, do you know how much this all is worth? And can you even fit everything inside your little slate?" I think you could collect as many materials as you wanted in the game… but then again that was in the game.

"Mhm, not really. I should be able to at least notice if someone tries to scam us though… and yes, I can fit everything inside my Sheikah-Slate. I don't think it even has a limit for how much I can fit inside." Nice.

Next, we both started to collect everything we found and put it inside her Slate. She then turned to me and spoke.

"Well then, now that our money issues should be solved. Let's get going again. I don't really want this to take multiple days..." She then looked at her Slate once more, and I was able to see that she was looking at her map. That thing really has a lot of uses, huh? After that, she, once again looked at me.

"Ready to continue?"

"I was born ready." She smiled at me and then started walking in a direction, hopefully, the right one, but then again, she just looked at her map. And I do think that she should be able to read maps, or at least I hope so... I followed her anyway.

Soon we were walking along a road/path, once again. And simply followed, until we were able to see a small river, with a bridge to allow travelers easier passage. But that wasn't everything, besides the water moving I was also able to hear a familiar grunting, which I easily recognized as the sounds Bokoblins made.

"Seems like there is a camp in that direction." I told Linkle while pointing left of the bridge. She seemed to think for a bit and then started talking once more. 

"I don't really think we need to clear that one... there don't seem to be any Hyleans, and we don't really need any more weapons or other supplies." I looked at her, surprised.

"You really think, you can ever have enough weapons? Especially with the speed we burn through them? And while we don't really need to clear it. I kinda do want to see how strong I am now... and I would also be able to see how sharp I can make my hand." 

I told her and she at least had the decency to blush a bit after hearing what I had to say about our weapon consumption, or more like hers. I don't plan on using any other weapons after all.

"Well, if you want to clear then feel free to do so, although we really need to start your combat training... maybe I can at least show you, how you would ideally clear a Bokoblin camp?"

"I would appreciate it." The answer I got was a big smile.

"Well then, lead the way, apprentice!" 

mkoester mkoester

Hey there!

If we make it into top 20 in the weekly rankings this week, I will upload some bonus chapters (between 3-5 considering which place we get). Although if we don't make it then thats fine, too

Hope you liked the chapter and have a great day :)

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