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Chapter 6: C-1.6

Seems I was a bit too lost in thought…

"Yes, everything is alright. Still magic is something real?" After I asked that her face turns into a frown. But before I can say something else, she answers.

"Yeah, I don't really remember much about it, but I think there was magic for every element, fire, water, lighting and wind. I guess wind would be helpful with mitigating such a fall…" Ah, yes, now I remember. I think there were 4 different spells in the game, some kind of shield, a revive/heal, a lightning bolt and you were able to send yourself into the sky with wind. That is one magic for the four main elements.

"That is good to know, thanks. And I hope didn't remind you of something bad."

"No, no, it's fine. I just… I thought about the Divine Beasts, and they seem to govern one of the elements, and they each had a pilot, with whom I apparently was friend with, and I think each of them told me a bit about magic. I don't remember much of them. But the king told me that they all died, inside the Beasts." She still had a frown on her face as she said so…

"I'm sorry to hear that, but still we can't change what happened to them, but we can at least give them peace by avenging them. So, turn that frown upside down. It really doesn't suit your cute face." While I'm not really a people-person I seemed to at least have helped her. After all her frown vanished and was instead replaced with a shy face with a small blush and everything, she really is very cute indeed.

"You know… I it's almost seems like you like me… what with all those compliments you give me." Oh, she seems to adapt, too. At least to teasing and compliments.

"Oh, cats got fangs. Still what if I do?" But it still wasn't enough. I could almost swear that I saw smoke coming out of her ears… really, really cute… but let's be honest I might like her a bit more than others, she did pull me out of a crash-crater (my crash-crater) after all, but there isn't much more to it. Her reactions are just too good to let them pass by.

"Y-y-y-o, you, I…" Heh

"Anyways. You see that skull there? That is a Bokoblin camp. I already cleared it once. But there was a blood moon the night before you arrived. So, it should be filled again. It should only have 4 red Bokoblins, the weakest ones. I want to see how you fight and if you have any muscle memories. And clearing that camp shouldn't really be a challenge for you. Not with your strength. And in case something does happen, I will be right behind you." 

She said, with a face that was still completely red. After meeting my eyes and seeing my grin, she averts her and reaches into her something-something plate (I really should ask her what it is called). And pulls out a broadsword of some kind. And throws it in my direction. This time. I am kinda prepared for this 'attack' and am able to catch it. I just swing it around a bit and…

Yeah, I have no idea what I'm doing… but Bokoblins shouldn't be too hard so let's go.

"Well then wish me good luck." I say with a grin, bend my knees and then I jump first onto the other side of the bride, then I looked at Linkle and shoot her a toothy grin and waited for her to get down and near the skulls entrance. She seemed to notice my intention and jumped down towards the skull and pulled out her glider to stop her fall. After that she, too, gave me a toothy grin and a thumbs up. Which I took as my signal to start. 

Then I jumped once more, this time on top of the skull. And as soon as I landed, I noticed something. Every time I landed before, the ground broke and this time it was no different. The ground broke. But different from the other times I didn't just sink a bit into the ground but rather broke through it. Straight into the Bokoblin camp…

As soon as the dust settled, I noticed a few things. The first is that Linkle was kind of right. I can see 4 Bokoblins, but one of them is blue… and directly in front of me… and has a spear in his hand. Which he then instantly pokes into my direction. And although I was a bit surprised. He (it?) was too and so I was able to move back a bit. Before I once more noticed that a spear was in fact quite long. And so, I wasn't able to dodge its attack. And not only was I not able to dodge the spear. Now it was pointing towards my face… and without me being able to do anything else. It hit…

Right into my left eye… which isn't tougher than normal, or at least not tough enough to stop a steel spear. And then the next thing I notice is pain, not enough for me to be paralyzed over but still…

"F*ck, my eye!" I brought up my hand and swatted away the spear. Before taking a step forward and swinging my other arm, the one that held the great sword, towards the goblin. With all of my might. And as soon as the sword hits the Bokoblin. It breaks. What? Is every weapon this week? It did still completely decimate the Bokoblin, but still… 

Then I looked around, only to notice one of the red Bokoblin, who sat atop an archery tower, let louse an arrow, one on fire. Actually. But he will miss. I noticed easily. He aimed a bit too far left. I without much thought turned my head to look at where the arrow will land, because you know, my left eye still isn't regenerated. Although it did stop hurting, it just itches now, which I think is a good sign.

But as soon as I looked to the left. I saw something that I really didn't like. Red barrels. And if my thousands of hours spent gaming taught me one thing then it is, that red equals explosives. And the Bokoblin fired a flame arrow. 

"Ah f*ck…" And then…


I was sent flying. Right towards the archery tower. Which in some circumstances would have been a good way to close the distance. But sadly, I flew face first right into it. And when an object, with a lot of speed hits another one. Then one of them breaks… and I was apparently harder than wood. And so, the wood broke and splintered, and it seems today is my lucky day as some of it got lodged in my other eye. Which blinded me completely and then as if this wasn't enough. The tower collapsed. Straight on top of me. Burying me under it. Which actually was kind of a good thing. At least I can take a second to gather my wits now…

So, I'm blind right now. How can I find the remaining Bokoblins? I could ask Linkle for help, if she wasn't already on her way to help me… I was already about to just lay down again and wait for Linkle to save me, before I heard something… something along the lines of a low burp or maybe a grumble? What kind of creature would make sounds like that? But then again, there are only Bokoblins here so it kinda had to be them. And now that I think about it… there was a Bokoblin on top of this tower. Which means… it got to be inside or more likely on top of this rumble… and this means…

And so, I moved, using everything I got inside of me. To throw the rubble away from me and it did feel like I sent quite a bit of it flying, as well as the Bokoblin inside of it. At least his grumbling moved a bit further away from me… and so I once more moved. This time in the direction of the sounds. And as soon as I heard them in front of me, I punched… and hit the creature, which instantly gave in and then with a satisfying pop. Fell over. 

Then I heard something moving behind me. And so, I did most would do. I turned around and swatted whatever it was away. It instantly broke. Felt like some kind of pointed stick. So probably an arrow, I mused. After that I concentrated once more, to 'see' (heh) if I can hear anything else and I could easily hear to other sources of deep grunting. Both, now in front of me. One a bit higher and further away and the other one seemed to be coming nearer. 

So, I first dashed towards the one nearest to me. I closed the distance in no time and instantly brought back my fist, only to once more hear something cutting the wind. And so, I brought up my other hand to stop whatever it was. Instantly I felt and heard something break against my hand. 

So, some kind of sword, I guess. 

Still, I kind of learned something, didn't let my thoughts distract me and instantly punched out and destroyed the Bokoblin in front of me. Then I once more heard an arrow moving towards me. This time I catch it… and I swear I never felt more awesome. I closed my hand and then I jumped towards the last source of the grunting. 

Moving both my hands above my head and then bringing both, at the same time, down on top of the last Bokoblin, felt very, very satisfying. I once more listened to any other sound. And I actually could hear some. But instead of hearing the grunting I expected, all I heard were soft footsteps and…

"Cid, are you alright? Oh goddess, what happened to your eyes?!?!"

Ah yeah, I almost forgot about Linkle….

mkoester mkoester

We are close to 15k words now (3 maybe 4 more chapters). So if anyone would be able to write a review I would be quite thankfull, you need one to be listed on the power rankings. If this stoy doesn't have one by the time it reaches 15k words, I will just write one myself, altough I will delete it later, when someone else writes one...

I hope y'all like this chapter, it's my first time writing a fight so if you got some tips please do comment them. Thanks and have a great day :)

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