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Chapter 21: One Last Game

"Soooo... What's it gonna be, huh?"

That was a no-brainer. I'd been caught and my plan hadn't worked, so I'd rather die. I'm not going to help these fucking psychopaths in any way.

My voice was gravely and my glare was icy when I faced Historia's father, "I will NEVER help you! Best just kill me now."

He laughed and nodded at one of the other approaching scientists. In the distance, I could see a big group of people headed our way. The smell of rot got closer and I closed my eyes, preparing myself to be torn apart.

"I think you'll want to hear me out, Eren. I know quite a lot about you and, though you care very little for yourself, you'd do anything for your loved ones." Historia's father grins.

He knows he's hit the nail on the head with the look of fear that crossed my face. No, no he didn't do what I think he did! Fear like nothing I've felt before spread through me. I wanted to cry, scream, attack, anything but watch this.

The zombies left my side to surround the group that had finally reached us. The group had a few scientists with those zombie control pads and then there were my friends. All of them unharmed, but surrounded by a hungry herd.

All of them are looking at me with shock and relief. Armin tried to run to me, but Levi holds him back with a hand on his shoulder. Levi doesn't break eye contact with me as he pushes Armin protectively behind him.

I could have kissed him for that action alone. He knows that it would kill me if anything happened to Armin or Mikasa. The zombies part so Historia can get through and stand between me and her father.

"What is this, father?! You said that you'd leave the others out of this. Eren and I were the only ones who were supposed to be taken." Historia says softly.

I wasn't surprised and I already figured as much. Historia was worrying her lip and staring at me with guilt, but I just gave a weak smile. I know, Historia, I trust you still..

"Did you really think Eren would willingly help without some convincing? Why do you think I picked these people to survive? I know each of them and it will be very entertaining seeing such a close-knit group fall apart." Historia's father says with a crazed look on his face.

Geez, I mean my father was downright awful, but this guy is worse. Whereas Grisha is cruel and calculated, this guy is insane and unpredictable. That is a very bad combination, but I expected nothing less of the creator of the forest games and the zombie virus.

Speak of the fucking devil.. Grisha appears from behind the group and goes to stand next to Historia's father. I'm sorry I keep referring to him as Historia's father, but I don't know or care to know his name. Sorry not sorry.

"Hello son, looking great. The look of fear and pain suites you." Grisha grins as he pats my head harshly.

Levi shifts and I shake my head at him. We're surrounded and they have the advantage, so we have no choice but to play along. As the Captain he knows that and I don't think he even meant to move. As my boyfriend he wants to defend me against harm, I get it.

"So... New deal. You agree to help us or... Your friends all die and turn. I'll make sure your little lover goes first, just for you!" Historia's father has his signature crazed grin.

What a lunatic..! But, do I really have a choice. What should I do? Would you rather just die and get it over with or fight for your friends?

With a sigh, I look at the crazy leader, "What would I have to do to 'help' you?"

"Oh, nothing much.. You just have to play one last game."

"Then, what? After I win the game."

"So cocky! Well, you have been a victor since you were, what, five?" I nod and he continues. "You win this new game and you and your friends are free to leave. I'll open the Sina gates myself. So, is that fair?"

I stare at him skeptically, "What is this new game?"

He wouldn't just let us leave if he thought we'd survive. There is something going on. Grisha and Historia's dad are sharing a knowing look and grinning like maniacs. Historia looks genuinely confused and terrified.

She's the daughter of the leader and she doesn't know what's going on?! What is—

"Well, Eren. This is a new game I made with our HUGE army of zombies. You'll be paired and flone to random locations in this sector where you'll have to survive for a month. Just one measly month and you're free. Best part is you don't HAVE to kill anyone to win, just survive the hordes."

My blood froze in my veins as I took in what he said. I could survive a month of outmaneuvering the zoms, but we're being paired, which means there is more people in this game.

"Who is participating in this game?" His smile made my heart stutter.

"All of the survivors, including your bunch. Though you don't have to kill, there is a benefit to doing it. The more you kill the less time you have to survive in this game. If you kill someone, your WHOLE group has one day deducted from the month."

"You say whole group. Does that mean my pair or this whole group?" I ask, pointing at my group of friends.

"The whole group. But others will be trying to kill you for their groups as well and I think you have a BIG disadvantage. You've made a lot of enemies over the years and they are all wanting to kill the Silver Devil."

I open my mouth, but Levi stops me, "Eren, you don't have to do this. We—" he gets interrupted by Grisha.

"Actually, he does... If he wants to keep you guys from being killed right now, then he has no choice. Isn't that right, Eren?"

I ignore the fool and look back at Historia's father. He's observing all of us and I notice that he has a tight hold on Historia's arm.

"What weapons do we have to choose from?"

"You brought a duffel with you, full of weapons, didn't you? Anything you find in your travels is free to take."

"When does this start?" I ask cautiously.

He grins and nods at Grisha who drags me to my feet. My ribs cry out painfully, but I school my face into passive disinterest.

"It starts as soon as Grisha assigns the pairs. Grisha?"

Grisha drags me to stand in front of my friends. There is so much love and trust in their gaze that it makes me want to beg on my knees for their forgiveness. This would've happened either way, but I still can't help but think I sped up the process.

Grisha pulls a tablet from his pocket and clears his throat, "Oluo and Mikasa, Gunther and Erwin, Jean and Eld, Armin and Petra. Hange, you're by yourself. You guys get in pairs and I'll distribute guns and ammo from Eren's bag. Wouldn't want you to die too quickly now would we?"

The others shuffle into groups and wait for their next order. Though I can see how angry and scared they are, they keep their backs straight and faces blank. My friends could very well die and I'd never know. We have to make a plan.

Grisha disappears with my duffel to talk to some guys near a chopper. Now's my chance! I shuffle closer to my friends and speak in a frantic, quiet voice.

"Wherever we end up, meet up at the old settlement. If it's still overrun, meet at the escape. You know where it is, Levisquad. They could be listening to everything, so be careful what you do or say. I.. I love you guys. Please survive and.. Good luck." I whisper quietly as tears flood my eyes.

Arms wrap around me and I look up to see everyone in a big group hug. Tears finally spill out of my eyes and I hug back, tightly. Whatever God will help, please keep them safe.

"Break it up and get to the chopper! Levi, Eren, you guys stay with Dr. Reiss." A smirking Grisha orders.

I watched as the people I've learned to care for so deeply got handed guns and started loading into different choppers. We would win, because there was no other alternative! We would win and then we'd be free from them!

Adrenaline pumps through my veins at the thought of being in another game. I thought it was over and I was free, but... It's just one more game. One last game.

The heat from Levi's body chases the chill away and I lean against his side. My ribs are throbbing and I can barely stand, but that won't stop me from winning. Since I'm the target of the other gamers, my friends will be safe.

"Okay, time for you guys to grab your guns and get going." Grisha says, throwing me my, near empty, duffel.

What is with that victorious grin on his face? He knows that I'll win, not him. When we board the chopper, he snaps his finger as if he forgot something and looks at me.

"Just to make things more interesting, do you remember my Ace, Eren?"

Levi looks between us in confusion, "What Ace?"

All I can do is shrug. I don't know nor do I care. Levi knows about my past, so Grisha doesn't really have anything to use against me. But... Grisha's grin says otherwise.

"You already know that Eren has killed MANY people, including kids?" Levi nods in confirmation. "Did he tell you any names?"

Levi looks at me with a kind, reassuring gaze and nods again before whispering, "Abby."

"Ah, yes! That insignificant brat of a child. Anyone else?" Grisha asks with an amused look on his face.

I stare him up and down. Of course I didn't give names! I didn't know even a third of the people I killed, but, as one of the co-leaders, he would have a list of the gamers' names.

"Where are you going with this, Grisha? Of course, I didn't tell him names. You know I didn't know any of them." I growl out.

His smirk widened and he looks right at Levi while he speaks, though he's talking to me.

"Oh? So does Jewel ring a bell?"

I freeze at his smug reply and my breathing starts to come out in quicker pants. I.. I don't understand.. What's going on?

"Uh.. Um.. O-of course I do!" I stutter out, even though I secretly curse the stutter.

When my breathing starts to even out, I look over at Levi. He's been quiet this whole time, tense and ramrod straight. It doesn't even look like he's breathing when he grinds out, "What?"

I look up at Grisha and shiver at that grin. What does Jewel have—

"Oh, poor, murderous Eren... We're here, but I'll explain before you go. You killed Jewel... Jewel Ackerman." he said with fake pity.

What?! But.. Jewel. Jewel never told me her last name.. Levi, my Levi, is the brother I had failed to save. The broken promise tattooed on my back burned beneath my dirty shirt.

"Also, remember any kills you get give your team more of a chance to survive this game. Have fun, lovebirds." Grisha laughs and pushes me out of the still landing chopper.

It wasn't very high up, but there was enough force to jostle my broken ribs. When my chest hit the ground, I cried out at the pain. I've been through a lot of pain, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

I heard feet touch the ground next to me and then the chopper's loud motor getting farther away. Levi's black boots are standing in front of my lying form before a gun is thrown at his feet. The 10 mm I stole from the guard that awful day. The day I broke my promise.

How did I not make the connection when I met Levi? Same black hair and pale skin, they even had a similar facial structure. The age matched up too, now that I think about it. I had forgotten what Jewel looked like as the years went on, but I never forgot her.

Pushing myself into a sitting position, I go to grab the gun, but stop at the click of a gun farther in the forest. Of course, Grisha has a sense of humor! Stupid fucking forest! The same forest Jewel died in twelve years ago.

When I looked up Levi was nowhere in sight and there was another man approaching me. Black, shoulder length hair and tan skin come into view, standing right in front of me. His shotgun is pointed right at my chest, but I'm still in too much pain to move.

"So, you're the punk that killed my brother all those years ago. A weakling like you, that's rich!" he says with a laugh lacking any form of actual humor.

He cocks his gun again and presses it against my injured ribs, making me wince. When he notices he jabs the same spot. Dick! One of my hands was slowly slithering to the ankle of my boot and trying to get to my knife, but before I could grab it, the butt of his gun connected with my temple.

"Ah, Ah, ah. Let's not do that, Silver Devil. I've waited years for this moment." he growls out, straddling me.

Where is Levi at? I've never relied on people to save me, but every little movement spiked pain through me. Adding his heavy weight only made my broken body hurt worse.

"Look how pathetic you are. Can't even try to fight me, hmm?" His fist connects with my nose, causing an audible crack.

Great, a broken nose! Just what I needed, note the sarcasm.. His giant fists keep making contact with my face, my lip, cheek, until I'm seeing black. He avoids my eyes, so I have to watch him hurt me. What a cruel man.

Anger and fear make adrenaline pump through my veins. His face gets so close that I can smell his rancid breath when he speaks.

"You're kinda cute. I might just—"

Before he can continue with his sick thoughts, I head butt him so hard that he topples off me. His curses can be heard, but I'm already up and aiming the 10 mm at his head. There is no fear in his eyes as he stares at the gun.

His sneer turns into a grin when thick arms band around my waist and rip the gun from my hands. My struggles mean nothing to the large man holding me hostage, so I fall limp to conserve energy.

Totally not because I'm losing strength and feel about ready to pass out... Nope.

"Took you long enough, Casanova! Twerp coulda' killed me."

"Oh, you were fine." A deep voice said against my head.

Casanova? Where have I heard that name before... Levi! This is Levi's old friend? Sorry ex friend. This dude slept with Levi's girl, what a dick! I try to throw my head back but his grip tightens to the point that I can't breathe.

That doesn't stop me from wrapping my legs around the back of his knees and pushing. He drops me to catch himself and stumbles away with a bewildered look. I stand and, before either can recover from their surprise, throw one of my knives at the guy behind me.

It impales in his stomach making him drop like a stone. My glare is nothing short of deadly when I look down at the injured man, "Yeah, I killed your brother and now you can die from the same blade he did."

I go to retrieve my knife, but get tackled to the ground on my front. Casanova, who is probably a good 150 pounds heavier than me, is digging his knees into my back and keeping me in place. My broken nose is shoved into the dirt, making me choke on the earthy substance.

"You thought you'd just get away with that, hmm? Now where is my friend, Levi?" he asks angrily while lifting my head from the ground.

I spit the dirt from my mouth and don't utter a word. He'll have to kill me. My head is slammed into the hard ground, making me fall limp and close my eyes, only half-conscious. He does this twice more, then stands up.

"Well, I can always find him myself. You just stay there." he says with a chuckle.

I hear a gunshot and expect to feel the pain of the bullet, but nothing happens. Another one bites the dust... Sorry, ignore my half-conscious thoughts. A thunk is heard behind me and then silence.

If I could turn my head I would, but I'm too tired. My head is killing me and I don't think I'm breathing right. Maybe just a small nap... My mind falls blank and the ringing in my ears fills the silence in my head. Am I finally dying?

Hands are grabbing my body, but my eyes are too heavy to open. Even the pain has nearly disappeared, leaving me numb and cold. So I am dying, then? That was what I felt last time I'd almost died... Cold and numb.

I can feel hands pushing down on my chest distantly, but it's like I said, distant. Peace settles over me as I fall into darkness. This darkness is different from when I was in a coma in the bar.

This darkness is peaceful and lovely. No pain or fear can penetrate its endless depths. Looking around, I see little flickers of white light, like stars, floating around me.

My body feels weightless and heavy all at once. Confusing, I know, but I think I could learn to like the feeling.

The little flickering lights start to expand and encompass me in a light so bright I shut my eyes. Light explodes behind my vision and then nothing.

rythebiguy rythebiguy

You might need tissues. The next few chapters are rough. Death and destruction, so yeah... Sorry in advance.

Vote, comment, let me know what you think, and enjoy the book!

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