/ Romance / The Phoenix in a Turbulent World

The Phoenix in a Turbulent World Comic The Phoenix in a Turbulent World Comic

The Phoenix in a Turbulent World

Completed 129 Chapters 1.6M Views

Publisher: Sanfu Comics

About Table of Contents


Phoenix rises in turbulent ages. As a famous and clever doctor in the precarious Zhou Dynasty, Qiu Xiluo met two lords and was involved in endless bloodshed. Yan Lang, a gentle and powerful marquis, although never stopped fighting for his kingdom, was willing to die for protecting her. Song Si-ren, a handsome and unrestrained young master of Han Kingdom with great aspiration, went through all the hardships and dangers. When they fought against each other and had to choose between love and power, who could be her knight?


  1. Chibee
    Chibee Contributed 2291
  2. Khin_Nwe_Aye
    Khin_Nwe_Aye Contributed 1714
  3. TinTin_0306
    TinTin_0306 Contributed 1489

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