/ Romance / Villainous Diva Empress!

Villainous Diva Empress! Comic Villainous Diva Empress! Comic

Villainous Diva Empress!

82 Chapters 1.3M Views

Publisher: SanFu Comics

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It's said that the difficulty of a transmigration system can be categorized into different tiers: Ordinary, Difficult, and Hell. The Diva Empress beats up pretentious girls, steps on shameless bastards, and carries out unpredictable revenge methods. Watch as the diva empress abuses the bastards and pretentious girls until they tremble with fear and run for their lives. But this time, why is that man sticking to her instead of hiding and escaping? โ€œBecause I want you to fall in love with me this time.โ€


  1. Andrea_Rau
    Andrea_Rau Contributed 966
  2. Cambria_Kowalzik
    Cambria_Kowalzik Contributed 956
  3. FeyPanda
    FeyPanda Contributed 952


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