/ Action / Post-Apocalyptic Gold Hunter

Post-Apocalyptic Gold Hunter Comic Post-Apocalyptic Gold Hunter Comic

Post-Apocalyptic Gold Hunter

100 Chapters 979.6K Views

Publisher: SHI BU JUN

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Dragons Ahead! A gold bar hunter hits a lick in the post-apocalyptic world and turns into a real-life winner! Work hard to get rich? No, Wang Binn has a better wayโ€”hunting for gold bars in the post-apocalyptic world. A round trip and he's become a billionaire! That said, it's not like it's an absolute breeze to hunt for gold, for there are countless roamers, and more terribly, survivors, who are a hundred times more dangerous than roamers in that world!


  1. Sean_Batchelor_2309
    Sean_Batchelor_2309 Contributed 1405
  2. Deathsage
    Deathsage Contributed 1245
  3. NinjaJoe188
    NinjaJoe188 Contributed 1135


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