/ Harem / Hang In There, Bro

Hang In There, Bro Comic Hang In There, Bro Comic

Hang In There, Bro

Completed 65 Chapters 504.8K Views

Publisher: TONY

About Table of Contents


A cryptic phone call to inform a jobless Junbo about a mysterious inheritance that his grandfather had left him with hopes of changing his life.
But before he could inherit the huge sum of money, he needed to complete a mission.
Junbo needed to go to a guesthouse owned by his grandfather and procure all six signatures of acknowledgement from the tenants there about his inheriting of the property.
Little did he realize that he would arrive there to find all six of the tenants each gorgeous but individually capricious young ladies.
How would Junbo conquer this difficult task and triumph at the end?


  1. Theodore_Rathe
    Theodore_Rathe Contributed 1354
  2. Golden_Ball
    Golden_Ball Contributed 1350
  3. Austin_Rozeboom
    Austin_Rozeboom Contributed 1350


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