/ Romance / The Beauty and Her Adonises

The Beauty and Her Adonises Comic The Beauty and Her Adonises Comic

The Beauty and Her Adonises

Completed 90 Chapters 1.1M Views

Publisher: Webnovel Comics

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A modern person named You You transmigrates into the world of cultivation, where women are born noble and hold a higher status than men. Among many women, heavenly maidens who can activate people’s spiritual roots and achieve immortality descend upon the world. You You becomes one of these rare heavenly maidens and takes on the responsibility of founding the Zhenyan Sect. She leads the entire sect as they fight monsters, level up, and embark on a path of growth, all the while seeking her significant other along the way.


  1. Fae_OfSunshine
    Fae_OfSunshine Contributed 8945
  2. resst07
    resst07 Contributed 8945
  3. Blondtwin
    Blondtwin Contributed 7447


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