/ Fantasy / Lich: Glory Knight

Lich: Glory Knight Comic Lich: Glory Knight Comic

Lich: Glory Knight

Abgeschlossen 188 Kapitel 2.0M Ansichten

Verleger: Webnovel Comics

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


"Humility! Honesty! Compassion! Bravery! Justice! Sacrifice! Pride! Faith!" He’s a lich, yet he abides by the chivalric code of knights! He’s a lich, yet he holds fast to faith and light! "Be fearless no matter how formidable the enemy! Be bold, loyal, and never disappoint the Holy Spirit! Be faithful, upright, and never submit to evil! Protect the weak, and never violate the heavens!" He stands unfettered at the top of the world, no matter how many curveballs life throws at him. No one—not even the Holy Spirit—could stop him from following the Holy Spirit! This is a story about a lich who becomes a knight and saves the princess.


  1. _SaifeR_
    _SaifeR_ Beigetragen 34273
  2. Daoist439849
    Daoist439849 Beigetragen 33849
  3. Wolfidragonia
    Wolfidragonia Beigetragen 21868


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