/ Transmigration / Queen of Poison: the Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess

Queen of Poison: the Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess Comic Queen of Poison: the Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess Comic

Queen of Poison: the Legend of a Super Agent, Doctor and Princess

503 Kapitel 15.5M Ansichten

Verleger: Webnovel Comic/Hantai Comics

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"She is an ace agent, the queen of medicine and poison. Sweet and adorable she looks; resolute and cunning she actually is. She is half an angel and half a devil. When she travels through time and stays in an orphan girl's body, will she rewrite the history? ""I quit the marriage with this coward girl. To my surprise, she is so shrewd and eloquent! How ignorant I am!"" Some lord regrets. ""She is such a hottie!"" Some prince sighs. "


  1. CayCay248
    CayCay248 Beigetragen 43819
  2. Amy_Ross
    Amy_Ross Beigetragen 27622
  3. Claudia_Hough
    Claudia_Hough Beigetragen 25542


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