/ Harem / Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal Comic Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal Comic

Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

Abgeschlossen 210 Kapitel 3.4M Ansichten

Verleger: Webnovel Comics

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"If I don't squander, wouldn't that be a waste of my parents' money-earning talents?" Although Hong Dali said that, he actually harbored other thoughts. The only fortunate thing that happened to him after he transmigrated into a weak and feeble body was that he gained a "Prodigal" System. By squandering, he could enhance his body's functions, say goodbye to the walking stick, and ascend to the peak of his life! By squandering, he would remain the useless prodigal that everyone looked down on... But say goodbye to the dumb Hong Dali from the past. Now, he's going to attack while they're unprepared!


  1. William_Moser_7343
    William_Moser_7343 Beigetragen 13381
  2. Alex_Thomas_3865
    Alex_Thomas_3865 Beigetragen 11401
  3. Bernhard_Zlatnik_0808
    Bernhard_Zlatnik_0808 Beigetragen 11322


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