/ Sci-Fi / Swallowed Star

Swallowed Star Comic Swallowed Star Comic

Swallowed Star

242 Kapitel 6.0M Ansichten

Verleger: ShenMan

รœber Inhaltsverzeichnis


In the Year 2056, a teenager clad in a tactical vest, combat pants, and alloyed combat boots sat atop a ruined and shattered six story apartment building. The building lies in a Prefecture-level city in the Original Jiangsu area. With a Hexagonal Shield and a Bloodshadow Combat Sword on his back, the young man sat silently on the edge of the roof. Under the brilliant hue from a starry night, it brought forth a breath of fresh air as the night breeze caressed his body. However, within this now ruined city, all was silent... all except for the occasional chill-inducing howls...


  1. cole_fisher
    cole_fisher Beigetragen 13933
  2. Nor_AL
    Nor_AL Beigetragen 12852
  3. Mr_ADragon
    Mr_ADragon Beigetragen 11751


Geschenk -- Geschenk erhalten

    Wรถchentlicher Energiestatus

    Rank -- Power- Rangliste
    Stone -- Power- Stein

    Erhรคltlich als Roman

    Swallowed Star

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    Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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