/ Fantasy / The Limitless Apostle and the Twelve Battle Maidens

The Limitless Apostle and the Twelve Battle Maidens Comic The Limitless Apostle and the Twelve Battle Maidens Comic

The Limitless Apostle and the Twelve Battle Maidens

422 Kapitel 7.0M Ansichten

Verleger: Pineapple Light Novel

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


"This is a story of the strongest single man in history's quest to find a wife."

【Update Mon Wed Thu Sat Sun】He is the strongest being in existence as he stands at the pinnacle of the world. Wealth? Reputation? Power? All of this is worthless in his eyes. The Strongest Apostle has escaped to the human world for one reason, "Please do not misunderstand! I am here to find myself a wife!"

-- This is an authorized work translated by Webnovel protected by copyright law. All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Tom_Mudd
    Tom_Mudd Beigetragen 44324
  2. admidral
    admidral Beigetragen 36675
  3. smyle_psychopath
    smyle_psychopath Beigetragen 35433


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