/ Transmigration / The Sickly Tyrant With An Innocent Facade

The Sickly Tyrant With An Innocent Facade Comic The Sickly Tyrant With An Innocent Facade Comic

The Sickly Tyrant With An Innocent Facade

Abgeschlossen 240 Kapitel 3.0M Ansichten

Verleger: Webnovel Comics

Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Fu Xin, a powerful president of her company in the modern age, finds that she had travelled to the past and transmigrated into the body of the village girl Fu Qibao along with her Merit System. Now, not only did she have to suffer the consequences of the original host’s cruelty to other people, but she had also earned herself a betrothed. No one had foreseen this exceptional teen who the original host had brutally beaten up to one day become a merciless tyrant of an emperor that ruled the world. He was going to kill everyone who hurt him before… Hold on, why does this sickly tyrant have two sets of personalities? Wait, is he acting innocent in front of Fu Qibao to gain her affections?!


  1. Gigi94
    Gigi94 Beigetragen 53427
  2. n9mpho
    n9mpho Beigetragen 31606
  3. DarkWingsZ
    DarkWingsZ Beigetragen 29191


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