/ Anime & Comics / I Also Level Up

I Also Level Up Original

I Also Level Up

Anime & Comics 33 Capítulos 471.8K Visitas

4.36 (19 valoraciones)

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A transmigrator gets another chance at life in a world of Dungeons and perhaps Dragons.

Hunters are now the new celebrities with incomparable responsibility and power beyond imagination.

While the world seems to be at peace and is making great progress, fearsome enemies approach.

With a body plagued with mana poisoning, watch how Jacob deals with the struggles of life and the feelings of his heart.

Witness his transformation and journey toward greatness.

It's time to level up.

Something to know about this novel:
1. Each chapter is ~2000 words.
2. If you find an error, tell me. I'll correct it and thank you.
3. This is a fan fiction of the novel "Solo Leveling" or "Only I Level Up". But it is NOT set in the Solo Leveling world. You can still read and understand this novel if you have not read Solo Leveling.
4. I am only taking Sung Jinwoo's system and giving Jacob (my MC) a system similar to it.
5. I only own my characters and my original story. I do not own "Solo Levelling" or "Only I Level Up"

Discord Server Link with maps, character art, MC stats, etc: dsc.gg/misterop
Read up to 7 Chapters in Advance: https://www.patreon.com/misterop

Tags: Action, Adventure, Anti-Hero Lead, Adult, Aristocracy, High Fantasy, Magic, Male Lead, Martial Arts, No Harem, Reader Interactive, Ruthless Protagonist, Romance, R-18, System, Strategy, Supernatural, Slaves, War, Weak to Strong

General Audiences


  1. Mister_Overpowered
    Mister_Overpowered Contribuido 35
  2. DaoistIN8UsX
    DaoistIN8UsX Contribuido 26
  3. Mojo_JOjo
    Mojo_JOjo Contribuido 21

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  • Calidad de Traducción
  • Estabilidad de las actualizaciones
  • Desarrollo de la Historia
  • Diseño de Personajes
  • Antecedentes del mundo

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the writing quality is average with little to no mistake, the peoblem is world building is honestly dissatisfying 15 chapters in and where still in the same "academy" with little to no outside world news and the mc is just a little more mature sung jin woo maybe, but the biggest turnoff is he is also a necromancer prolly going to be the shadow monarch too, you could make him the dragon monarch or the monarch the beginning but nope you chose necromancer., dragon monarch could work since he can't find a suitable body, the monarch of the beginning is imprisoned is some dungeon and you could make a plot out of that but laziness wins i guess.

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This story is pretty good. So far it seems like this world is only similar to solo leveling though I may be wrong. It is too early to tell anything about this story but I like it.

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Is there a love intrest? 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍✌️👍👍✌️👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

Ver 13 respuestas

This book is excellent. So far, I thought I would only read the first chapter. But reading the first made me read six at once. Love this book. I love the way Jacob striffed to get stronger; what he couldn't do in his previous body, ha achieved in the new one. Love it

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More chapter please ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

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LV 14 Badge

Wow I didn’t know you like to copy and paste since more the 50% of this is just from solo leveling like do somthing orignal if it’s a fanfic bro you even gave MC the same powers real Origanl 3 for effort nothing else

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LV 14 Badge

The writing quality is alright. No glaring grammar mistakes. But the character design is awful, the dialogues between characters and the MC's thought process make them (and him) look like pre-teens, he's supposed to be 18 in his reincarnated self and was over 20 in his previous life, but still acts and thinks like a 12 years old. At some points of the story I had a hard time finding a difference between this and any other random Chinese solo leveling copy. Still on character design, the powers of the mc feel uninspired. Story development-wise, it's slow, and nothing is happening most of the time, I'the 28 chapters I read could've been 7 or 8 well written chapters. He still didn't take the graduation exam, it's just side-plot after side-plot while the main story stagnates. Still give it a read, it's better than 80% of the trash fics on this app.

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it's a copy of solo leveling... with other characters and an not so intelligent MC. MC seeks his Familie and hops to meet/heal his mother. But it's not his mother he has no ties to this family other than the memories he got after crossing.

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I love this book, literally. Our MC has the drive to become stronger and reading this just makes me want to read more, I hope this book never becomes dropped!!!

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I like the system in this story. I also like the characters very much. I find Jacob a fun character to read. It is worth the read. Keep up the great work.

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The story has a lot of potential. First of all, I really loved the non-cliche take on the system novel. Although there are some similarities with Solo leveling, it isn't outright a copy of it. I loved how the author explained the situation and the MC's monologues are well-written. Recommended!!!

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Am hungry for more chapter please!!!... Author please 😩😩😩... Am in love

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Great start! Still the regular reincarnated into a new body story but this one has potential. I look forward to future chapters.

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The concept of hunters being the new celebrities in this world is a fascinating twist. It adds a new layer of complexity to the story, especially considering the responsibilities and power that come with their status.

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The premise of this novel is quite intriguing, with the protagonist getting a new chance at life in a world full of dungeons and potentially dragons. I love stories filled with adventure, and I hope the author delves deeper into the growth and challenges faced by the main character and other hunters in this world.

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Overall, the story was good. The author put a great effort into describing the character of Jacob and the plot was also well-crafted. However, there are several errors that need to be revised. With just a few revisions, the story can be even better. So, good job, author, for writing a good story. I hope to see more chapters soon.

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Firstly...Sorry but I don't really know what level up and etc etc anime are plus nor do I know on which anime this fanfic is based on. But I must say despite all that I really really enjoyed this novel, for me this was a little stress relief and lighthearted novel (I have only read the first few chapters idk if it gets intense in the later parts) I really enjoyed the comical parts a lot, plus the convo between the MC and his teacher about the third partner ( I don't remember the names) "Can he fight?" "No but he can run" this lines were just the best. The overall flow and emotion of the novel was well balanced and the world description, situation are all well described. Last but not the least , Happy Writing Author~~

Revelar spoiler
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Interesting story for fans of leveling and dungeons. Story is interesting and coherent with not many gramatical errors. Good job author.

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A interesting read for those of you who like action and dungeons. Writing could use some work. Can definitely tell the author is anime fan which I respect. While there is areas for improvement like better sentence structure and making the words flow smoothly. I see potential in this work and will be rooting for the author!😊👍

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