/ Adventure / Apocalyptic Super System

Apocalyptic Super System Comic Apocalyptic Super System Comic

Apocalyptic Super System

Completado 159 Capítulos 1.3M Visitas

Editor: Cat Prince/China Literature+DXD Comic

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The apocalypse has arrived and the world trembles in terror as Earth becomes a hunting ground for zombies and mutants. Zhao Tianlei stumbles upon a mysterious Super System and although he is no saint, how can he stand by and watch while his classmates are slain and the Earth is in such a tragic state? With the Super Upgrade System and Exchange System, will he be able to lead the humans to defeat the zombies, and restore human civilization?


  1. Sean_Batchelor_2309
    Sean_Batchelor_2309 Contribuido 4871
  2. Fox_Starwar
    Fox_Starwar Contribuido 4830
  3. Kahemoto_Daemon
    Kahemoto_Daemon Contribuido 4746


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