/ School / Battle Frenzy

Battle Frenzy Comic Battle Frenzy Comic

Battle Frenzy

Completado 345 Capítulos 15.5M Visitas

Editor: Webnovel Comic

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"Never look down on nerds!"
#Campus#WeaktoStrong#Western Magic
#2019+2020 Male Lead TOP 10

A sky with two moons; a soul world of endless possibilities;Lonely darkness, and a strange and mysterious clown!
A federation of 100 cities. Three great empires. A world where monsters run rampant.
This is an age where heroes are born, where humanity strives to retake the earth!
And at the epicenter of it all: a special second-year student, Wang Zhong, who uses the power of the Playful Roulette to shake the whole world! You hear that, ladies? Your Senior is here!

-- This is an authorized work from Webnovel Comics protected by copyright law(Both original and translated version). All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. cl2wrose
    cl2wrose Contribuido 7501
  2. Fire012
    Fire012 Contribuido 7383
  3. mbtln
    mbtln Contribuido 7372


Regalo -- Regalo recibido

    Estado de energía semanal

    Rank -- Ranking de Poder
    Stone -- Piedra de Poder

    Disponible como novela

    Battle Frenzy

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