/ Eastern / Conquest of the Demon King

Conquest of the Demon King Comic Conquest of the Demon King Comic

Conquest of the Demon King

Completado 349 Capítulos 3.8M Visitas

Editor: iCiyuan

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"If the sky's the limit, then he shall break through it!"

【Update Mon Tue Thu Sat Sun】Young Xiao Lang was born with an awakened super spirit power but was mistaken for a broken spirit. After being humiliated and framed, he was forced to leave his family. From then on, he has soared through life on his own.

-- This is an authorized work translated by Webnovel protected by copyright law. All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Reginleif54
    Reginleif54 Contribuido 24403
  2. Byron_Lauderdale
    Byron_Lauderdale Contribuido 24368
  3. Jordan_Parker_6766
    Jordan_Parker_6766 Contribuido 20150


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