/ Romance / Demon Wolf Husband Needs Discipline

Demon Wolf Husband Needs Discipline Comic Demon Wolf Husband Needs Discipline Comic

Demon Wolf Husband Needs Discipline

Completado 177 Capítulos 5.8M Visitas

Editor: Dazui

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An average girl gets involved with Wang Fenglie, the aggressive and violent mob king. Let's see how she trains him in a model husband! Just as she's completed his training, he suddenly becomes a demon, loses his memory and enters the Realm of Evil. To retrieve her Devil Husband, what is she going to do alone in the strange new world? The romance of gods and demons begin now!


  1. n9mpho
    n9mpho Contribuido 28590
  2. Ann_Lee_1658
    Ann_Lee_1658 Contribuido 25652
  3. Icequeen20
    Icequeen20 Contribuido 16983


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