/ History / I Become A Villain In My Novel

I Become A Villain In My Novel Comic I Become A Villain In My Novel Comic

I Become A Villain In My Novel

512 Capítulos 3.4M Visitas

Editor: YOOUSI

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I was judged by Lord Yama in hell because I gave a hasty bad ending to my novel he loves and stopped updating it. As a result, I was sent to the world of my novel as a villain and the matrilocal husband of the infanta. However, the life of going against the original protagonist and encountering girls is actually not that bad...


  1. Reginleif54
    Reginleif54 Contribuido 14842
  2. Galactic_lord
    Galactic_lord Contribuido 13197
  3. Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365
    Jerrilyn_Klimek_2365 Contribuido 12448


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