/ Romance / Love Game

 Love Game  Comic  Love Game  Comic

Love Game

Completado 82 Capítulos 2.2M Visitas

Editor: Bees and Birds Comics

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Shen Hanguang, who's fond of games and animation, was kidnapped by a Rolls-Royce car at the school gate. Her younger brother got lost, while her parents got involved into a big event. She was assigned as a temporary CEO of a family enterprise – multinational corporation GKG? The handsome CEO assistant revealed striking information to her. But what's more striking is awaiting her...


  1. Diva_Fashion
    Diva_Fashion Contribuido 430
  2. Jose_Morales_7083
    Jose_Morales_7083 Contribuido 420
  3. HinataNeji
    HinataNeji Contribuido 410


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