/ Eastern / Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor Comic Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor Comic

Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

453 Capítulos 6.0M Visitas

Editor: YuanManDongMan

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She, the guildchief of the modern hidden clan , good at medical voodoo, and assassination, was treated as the perverted talent in the eyes of the world. After an accidental death, she reborn in a disfigured girl. Washer identity changed? Wasreturning to the family hopeless? Identity couldbe abandoned, the family couldbegiven up, but if did notrevenge theperson who hadharmed the predecessor, couldI be worthy of the name of the talented doctor? Once the storm awoken, the heroes wouldbe fighting for hegemony! And see how she went to the world in a red dress, with a sword challenging a group of heroes!


  1. Grace_Shepard
    Grace_Shepard Contribuido 25645
  2. Ann_Wedge
    Ann_Wedge Contribuido 22027
  3. Lunnielaura156
    Lunnielaura156 Contribuido 21411


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    Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

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