/ Action / Monster Pet Evolution

Monster Pet Evolution Comic Monster Pet Evolution Comic

Monster Pet Evolution

299 Capítulos 6.0M Visitas

Editor: Webnovel Comics

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The world suffered a change, and monsters began to appear. During this new era, a new profession is born. Tame the monsters, raise the monsters and train the monsters. They are the monster trainers. An innocent youth with a dream has been thrown into this golden age.
Gao Peng: Even if it’s just a lizard, I’ll make it evolve into a dragon that can soar into the sky!


    ALEX_GARDIOL Contribuido 72051
  2. Gary_Andrews_4531
    Gary_Andrews_4531 Contribuido 51388
  3. Preston_Baxter
    Preston_Baxter Contribuido 45106


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    Monster Pet Evolution

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