/ Urban / My Boss Is a Vampire Turned Cat

My Boss Is a Vampire Turned Cat Comic My Boss Is a Vampire Turned Cat Comic

My Boss Is a Vampire Turned Cat

Completado 91 Capítulos 2.2M Visitas

Editor: YuanQiDan Comics

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On her way home after working late, Su Rong found a black cat with a diamond on its collar! The cat used her bathtub, ate her food, and even slept on her bed! She put up with it for money, but the cat ran away! Until one day, she found that the CEO of her company wears the exact same diamond as the cat did…


  1. Nick_Roelands
    Nick_Roelands Contribuido 3369
  2. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contribuido 3317
  3. antoinettekell
    antoinettekell Contribuido 3278


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