/ Harem / My Girlfriend is a Zombie

My Girlfriend is a Zombie Comic My Girlfriend is a Zombie Comic

My Girlfriend is a Zombie

461 Capítulos 23.7M Visitas

Editor: Webnovel Comics

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"We will fight for this love!"
#Sci-Fi #EndoftheWorld #Harem
#2020 Male Lead TOP5

【Update Mon Fri】Faced with doomsday, the special power inside Ling Mo was woken up. He found out that he could control zombies. Therefore he could walk through the zombie crowd safe and sound using his power, and eventually he met his beloved girlfriend - Ye Lian, but only to find out that she has already been transformed into a zombie. To help Ye retreive her memories, Ling Mo started his survival in doomsday.

-- This is an authorized work from Webnovel Comics protected by copyright law(Both original and translated version). All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Chris_Geer_7290
    Chris_Geer_7290 Contribuido 54023
  2. keemthadream
    keemthadream Contribuido 40175
  3. Fire012
    Fire012 Contribuido 26267


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