/ Action / Player Max

Player Max Comic Player Max Comic

Player Max

Completado 38 Capítulos 2.7M Visitas

Editor: Qi Xiaoguai

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A boy named Hao Qi accesses a hacked game account which pulls him into the world of 'A Hero's Journey'. Although he is a part of the game's world now, he retains the unfair advantages granted by the hacking program, allowing him to breeze through this world of magic, monsters, and martial arts. With cherished friends and intrepid companions, he blazes a trail through the lands.


  1. Hazard_Zone_6
    Hazard_Zone_6 Contribuido 1197
  2. mwsquared01
    mwsquared01 Contribuido 1097
  3. DaoistnqFiyK
    DaoistnqFiyK Contribuido 1097


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