/ Action / Skill Unparalleled

Skill Unparalleled Comic Skill Unparalleled Comic

Skill Unparalleled

Completado 35 Capítulos 5.7M Visitas

Editor: LeJiang Culture

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The Tianwu Boxing Hall in Haicheng City is the branch of the world's largest boxing gym. In order to earn money for the treatment of the righteous girl, Su Chen came to Tianwu Boxing Hall to do sparring. Because of his outstanding learning ability and strong comprehension, Su Chen became the "gold medal training" of the boxing gym. However, the splendid performance of Su Chen attracted the jealousy of the leader Wang Tingwei. He made Su Chen into a dangerous situation. Su Chen, who was involved in it, not only wants to live, but also takes this opportunity to make a career.


  1. GegeSadewa
    GegeSadewa Contribuido 310
  2. Grangel
    Grangel Contribuido 308
  3. colt_killingbeck
    colt_killingbeck Contribuido 255


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