/ Romance / Stop Teasing Me, Mr. Zhou

Stop Teasing Me, Mr. Zhou Comic Stop Teasing Me, Mr. Zhou Comic

Stop Teasing Me, Mr. Zhou

Completado 60 Capítulos 1.1M Visitas

Editor: Manyouyou

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One day, Cheng Jiajia decided to go to an elective class on a scooter now that she got up late, which was a violation of school rules. Unexpectedly, she crashed into a BMW sports car. Due to the overly aggressive attitude of the car owner, Cheng Jiajia asserted she’d compensate him and they exchanged their contacts. As it turned out, the car owner was Zhou Mufan, the new substitute psychology teacher and a legendary alumnus of B University.


  1. Trevor_Smith_7544
    Trevor_Smith_7544 Contribuido 624
  2. DaoistyY9YzF
    DaoistyY9YzF Contribuido 586
  3. jacquejones
    jacquejones Contribuido 576


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