/ Urban / Strongest Abandoned Son

Strongest Abandoned Son Comic Strongest Abandoned Son Comic

Strongest Abandoned Son

Completado 178 Capítulos 12.0M Visitas

Editor: HangZhou ManChao Studio

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When Ye Mo woke up, he found that everything around him seemed to be changed - The beautiful master disappeared; he became the abandoned oneby the family; even more, he became the object of being humiliated by a woman standing on the podiumwith his love letter. But these werenot important at all. The most important thing was that he remembered another terrible thing that didn't belong to him...


  1. Daniel_Marrero
    Daniel_Marrero Contribuido 3729
  2. Bladethelazy
    Bladethelazy Contribuido 3648
  3. Trenten_Robert
    Trenten_Robert Contribuido 3462


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    Disponible como novela

    Strongest Abandoned Son

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