/ Adventure / Strongest Cultivation System

Strongest Cultivation System Comic Strongest Cultivation System Comic

Strongest Cultivation System

Completado 149 Capítulos 1.1M Visitas

Editor: Fengyetian/Ihuayue(original novel)+zhaoyudongman

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What would Han Hao, the young hero do when he finds out that his innocent girlfriend is a plaything of a rich man? After his discovery that he was just a backup boyfriend and that his girlfriend had been cheating on him, his fortunes change when he obtains the Strongest Cultivation System by chance. His life changes completely from then on! With the “All-Seeing Talisman” that can see through anything, the “Golden Cure” that can cure anything, and superpowers whenever he changes into women’s clothes, he can do anything with the System in his hands! Watch how the nobody rises to become a hero in this exciting series!


  1. James_Franklin_0607
    James_Franklin_0607 Contribuido 2180
  2. Eny100
    Eny100 Contribuido 2165
  3. Dmytro_Korobeinyk
    Dmytro_Korobeinyk Contribuido 2154


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