/ Action / Super Gene

Super Gene Comic Super Gene Comic

Super Gene

231 Capítulos 4.3M Visitas

Editor: Webnovel Comics

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In the epic interstellar age of the future, human beings finally conquered the space transfer technology. However, when people were transferred to the other side of the space, they found it was neither the world of the past or the future nor any of the lands under the stars...
It's a mysterious world of Shelters with countless powerful monsters. Human beings ushered in a thrilling leap in evolution and started the most brilliant new era under the stars.
"Killing the heavenly blood black beetle can obtain its beast spirit, and eating its flesh can obtain 0-10 heavenly gene points randomly."


  1. John_LeClair
    John_LeClair Contribuido 47892
  2. Gary_Andrews_4531
    Gary_Andrews_4531 Contribuido 45158
  3. WingedDragoon_76
    WingedDragoon_76 Contribuido 41594


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    Super Gene

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