/ Adventure / Super Villain System

Super Villain System Comic Super Villain System Comic

Super Villain System

144 Capítulos 927.6K Visitas

Editor: Fengqiyue/China Literature+Mandora+Yanqiang Comics

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What are villains and evildoers? Are they all mighty and rule the world with an iron fist, or do they stir up storms and make enemies of all? Su Xin is reborn into a new world with an added boost from his system, and he is able to access all the martial arts techniques and skills of all the most powerful villains in his past life. "My name is Su Xin, and I am a man of my word."


  1. KuroChiShikaku
    KuroChiShikaku Contribuido 2058
  2. Robert_Clarke_3317
    Robert_Clarke_3317 Contribuido 2058
  3. Koneko_V3
    Koneko_V3 Contribuido 2058


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