/ Romance / Tale of the Crystal Shoes

Tale of the Crystal Shoes Comic Tale of the Crystal Shoes Comic

Tale of the Crystal Shoes

Completado 156 Capítulos 1.2M Visitas

Editor: GUIGU Studio

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Under the hardness of reality, the fat and ugly transform into the epitome of beauty!
Isolation, bullying, deceit... it was this cruel world that took away my kindness, reshaping Zhu Jing’s pure soul.
Now that I have this beautiful face, all that have wronged me in the past will pay, every last one of them!


  1. Claudia_Hough
    Claudia_Hough Contribuido 3233
  2. Karla_Calderon_3749
    Karla_Calderon_3749 Contribuido 2128
  3. Tana_Kelly
    Tana_Kelly Contribuido 1917


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