/ Fantasy / The Great God of Rebirth

The Great God of Rebirth Comic The Great God of Rebirth Comic

The Great God of Rebirth

Completado 229 Capítulos 1.5M Visitas

Editor: YUZHE

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Immortal Emperor Haotian, also known as "Lin Haotian", is a once-in-a-thousand-years genius. He was jointly killed by some immortals because he threatened their status. At the last moment, he broke the shackles of time and space with all his forces, and travelled back to the time when he was young. This time, he'll change his fate and get back to the top of the universe.


  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contribuido 49893
  2. divabeba_7
    divabeba_7 Contribuido 20039
  3. Rjtyeiv
    Rjtyeiv Contribuido 19065


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