/ Transmigration / The Jealous Governor Ling

The Jealous Governor Ling Comic The Jealous Governor Ling Comic

The Jealous Governor Ling

Completado 371 Capítulos 7.3M Visitas

Editor: BianYue Culture

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" With only a small scalpel, she deals with the scheming women in the governor's mansion and becomes invincible."
#Transmigration#Romance#Strong FL

【Update Wed Fri Sat】A spoiled and domineering young lady, Mu Wan, was killed. Lu Zaozao, a female surgeon in the 21st century, goes back to the past and lives as Mu Wan. Lu Zaozao has superb medical skills. Her parents-in-law don't like her. Her husband doesn't love her. Moreover, her husband's concubines eye her with hostility.

- This is an authorized work translated by Webnovel protected by copyright law. All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Kagegausui
    Kagegausui Contribuido 53712
  2. Janai_Phillips
    Janai_Phillips Contribuido 36877
  3. Zao_Shinlong
    Zao_Shinlong Contribuido 32350


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