/ History / The Silent Concubine

The Silent Concubine Comic The Silent Concubine Comic

The Silent Concubine

Completado 122 Capítulos 2.6M Visitas

Editor: "QiangTang /The Shubl Website +Kuaikan Comics

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A twisted and overbearing Prince VS A meek and replaced dumb groom. The King of the North had his eyes on Governor Shen’s daughter and decided to take her in as a consort. Shen Yu, a mute male slave from Governor Shen’s mansion, decided to hide his gender and replace Lady Shen to marry The King of the North, Xuan Xiao, in the hope that his mother would live a safe life. Shen Yu was afraid that his real identity would be exposed and he would be killed. However, he still attracted Xuan Xiao’s attention...


  1. Catherine_Rooney_6262
    Catherine_Rooney_6262 Contribuido 6811
  2. Olivia_Spicer
    Olivia_Spicer Contribuido 5370
  3. Whitney_Knowles
    Whitney_Knowles Contribuido 3840


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