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2019-11-21 Se unió United States

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Too bad it’s before the age of translator apps on cell phones

He and Daniela were still figuring out how to be in a relationship without being able to communicate fully. How were they supposed to do that with a child thrown into the mix? He honestly didn't know but at least he wasn't doing this alone. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


Pregnant ?

His excitement immediately drained away because of both the look on her face and the fact that she had showed up without calling ahead. Neither of those were good signs. Something had upset her. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



Sam really, really wanted to keep kissing her but wasn't sure either of their apartments would be safe. Too many people around. So he ended up doing something even more impulsive and got a crappy motel room. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


VCR and chill

When it ended, Sam asked what she wanted to do since there wasn't time for another movie before he had to go to work. Daniela didn't mind just hanging around and practicing their language studies so that was what they did until he looked so cute concentrating that she had to kiss him. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


You should write a letter so he can translate it one word at a time if he has to

Daniela hadn't thought that far yet. What could she even say? 'Hey, I'm pretty sure you like me so I went for it because I thought you were too shy to'? That was so embarrassing! She really had been too forward…what if he didn't like that? What if she put her heart on the line and he said no? 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


But she has to tell him she’s willing to move so he doesn’t stay in New York if he wants to move away

If Sam did like her and knew that she liked him back…he would take him with her when he went to law school, wouldn't he? That was a lot of ifs but she wanted to spend more time with him outside of when he was working. This might be her only chance to do that. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


take her* with him* …

If Sam did like her and knew that she liked him back…he would take him with her when he went to law school, wouldn't he? That was a lot of ifs but she wanted to spend more time with him outside of when he was working. This might be her only chance to do that. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I bake for everyone lol

It was, wasn't it? Not that Sam had any dating experience to speak of but he had heard things at school. Baking for someone was definitely girlfriend behavior. He tried minimizing it by convincing himself that she had made those cookies for herself and simply decided to bring him some to be nice.

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I had the OG gameboy lol.

Johnny hadn't ratted on him all this time. Why would he? When things were slow (as they pretty much always were), he hung out in the stockroom and played video games on his Gameboy Color. Neither of them bothered the other unless actual customers came in. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


Having some Spanish under your belt would definitely help if you wanted to be a lawyer

"Alright, if you insist. Just don't let it affect your GPA. Law schools are very picky about that sort of thing." 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


That’s so sweet!

Sam didn't have any answers. He didn't even know if he was going to see her again. Yet he still stupidly found himself in his academic advisor's office the next morning adding a Spanish class to his course load. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I mean he could install a projector and a screen and make a BIG movie wall

That still wouldn't be anywhere near as big as a movie theater but it would make her happy, wouldn't it? He should look into that. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


I also wait for everyone to go to bed to watch movies lol

Richard supposed it had. She hadn't had the chance to do that since before Karina was born. She still watched movies at night after everyone went to sleep but claimed that it was a different experience seeing them in theaters. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

Replied to WalkerBoh

And get it done in 10 minutes

Richard smiled at her in satisfaction. "Great. We can schedule things with both of them in the near future."

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat


This would have been a good use of Reddit lol

Adam nodded good naturedly before taking his leave and Richard was finally able to focus on work now that his problem was potentially taken care of. Embarrassing as it had been having to go to someone else for relationship advice, even if said person was indebted to him for life, he was glad he did it. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat



Elle didn't seem entirely reassured but let the subject change anyway and they enjoyed a pleasant chat for the rest of their lunch before Laney needed to get home. She couldn't let herself get paranoid. Things would probably be fine. 

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Once Upon a Time in New York City

Urban · Mcllorycat

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