/ Sci-fi / Brain Blame & The Undying

Brain Blame & The Undying Langue source

Brain Blame & The Undying

Sci-fi 47 Chapitres 98.2K Affichage
Auteur: Pweasy_18

4.54 (18 audimat)

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As she awoke from her slumber, all she saw were the remains of the place she had awakened to. She was confused while unwittingly fading between clarity and haziness. She embarked on a journey that resulted in a chasing frenzy, leading her to the military's clutches. The previous forgotten cure researches were fuelled by a half-turned zombie that was constantly displaying reversal of zombification. Now the hunt is on for them, and she is the center of it all.


  1. Tobiboy243
    Tobiboy243 Contribué 542
  2. DaoistXWo81A
    DaoistXWo81A Contribué 376
  3. Nicholas_Ford
    Nicholas_Ford Contribué 376


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    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

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    • Qualité de la traduction
    • Stabilité des mises à jour
    • Développement de l’histoire
    • Conception des personnages
    • Contexte du monde

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    This is going to be the best story. The science experiment, clone and emotions attached to it are shown marvellously...❤ Great writing dear! keep it up!

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    So exciting, couldn't stop reading even if I wanted to. Your story is great, the plot, story development, setting, synopsis... everything made me hooked on the story from the beginning.

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    This sure is a lovely story. Nice storyline . Barely any grammatical errors. You will find this an interesting read even if you do not like sci-fi.

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    Nice plot there! A very rare one. Good writing quality also. Will this be a short novel? Cause u locked it so early. But good job there. It's the first book i have read in this kind. Very rare that deals with science. Great great great!

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    First off... I must say I really like what you did with the synopsis. Left me a little curious to read the book. The author has done really good job with the intro of this book and from where I am, it is shaping up very well... A must read!

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    A good read, well plotted and written. The synopsis intrigued me to begin with. I love how every scenery is well described Good job Author keep writing and updating.

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    nice synopsis, the storyline is also captivating with what I have read so far the author has been doing a good job, I like that it's not our cliche story type

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    I'm excited about the plan! I love the flow! I'm looking forward to read more! Highly recommended! Great job! Keep it up. I'm currently reading it. And the more I read, the more I get curious.

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    The first chapter is intriguing. It will urged you to read more of what will going to happen in the long run. Keep going! Looking forward for the next events in the story.

    Voir 1 Réponses

    I'm excited about the plan! I love the flow! I'm looking forward to read more! Highly recommended! Great job! Keep it up. I'm currently reading it. And the more I read, the more I get curious.

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    Not your typical story. I am excited to how the story will turn out with the characters. It is very well written and good job to the author!

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    ok this is a powerful emotion generating story, the weight of morality, conscience, faith, and science has been questioned, the first chapter alone is compelling.

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    The synopsis don't even tell what's the story about or who's the character. Neither any of the reviews - they sound so vague and indistinct, these "reviews" could be easily copy-pasted to any other novel, makes you wonder it this is just bots. Unless the synopsis at least gives me an idea what's the book is about, I'm not going to bother spending my time on it.

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    this has a really good blend of sci-fi along with heart tugging emotions. its not as direct as most stories here. so you will definitely enjoy the tug of war between characters as you learn more about them and this experiment.

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    The synopsis is extremely interesting. Captivating story from the beginning, cant wait for more uploads. Characters are relatable and I grew fond of them as the story developed. Well written and easy to read. Excellent novel, well done. [img=recommend]

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    Nice chapter and nice story...Nice chapter and nice story...Nice chapter and nice story...Nice chapter and nice story...Nice chapter and nice story...Nice chapter and nice story...

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    $115,500 for the Best Adventure Novels! + Get Hardcover Publish Hey Writers! Come to check out this adventure novel writing contest! This contest is mainly looking for four genres: Fantasy, Urban, Game, and Sci-fi, but if you haven’t worked on these genres, that’s TOTALLY FINE! You can refer to the given examples and tips to develop a new story. As all new stories can get cash rewards, this might be your chance to begin your writing career and start to make a living by writing! Not to mention that you can take your chance to win the big cash and get your books published in hardcover! For more information, you may visit: https://bit.ly/2ObQnRy or contact linda72348@gmail.com

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    Auteur Pweasy_18