/ Anime & Comics / Naruto and his system

Naruto and his system Langue source

Naruto and his system

Anime & Comics 36 Chapitres 513.7K Affichage
Auteur: Scathach_

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what if Naruto awakened a system before the ninja academy.

fyi I don't update this that much. only when I feel like it

Parental Guidance Suggested


  1. Scathach_
    Scathach_ Contribué 276
  2. JIM_MoriOg
    JIM_MoriOg Contribué 15
  3. Wolf_fallanserpent
    Wolf_fallanserpent Contribué 12

État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

Rank -- Classement Power Stone
Stone -- Power stone

Vous aimerez peut-être aussi


  • Qualité de la traduction
  • Stabilité des mises à jour
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte du monde

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This is a unique fan fiction no reincarnation or transmigration just regular old Naruto uzumaki with a system it's brilliant.

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It's alright, formatting could use some work, but overall it's technically sound enough otherwise. I do feel the overall flow of the story could use some work, it feels a lot like a bunch of random scenes together and by the time you reach the moment of graduation, you haven't really felt anything for the mc yet because its all a bit impersonal. The world itself isn't really elaborated upon either no real world building to be found so that's something that could be improved upon too. Thus far that is a summary of the technical stuff wn names that I rated the story on. As for my opinion: At graduation he has all the usual op stuff already through gatcha rolls, so that kinda kills the excitement of combat scenes for me. The earlier collection of semi bland scenes and impersonalness make it hard to like the mc or care about anyone else in the story. Thus it failed to hook me in and resulted in my dropping it. The concept is cool enough but story wise. He's already at a level that that makes combat uninteresting and too emotionally undefined to make this a slice of life, romance or friendship novel worth reading. The same. On the world building front for adventure...

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havent read yet, just want to know if there will be any romance?

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Auteur Scathach_