/ Action / A Beginner with the Mightiest Account

A Beginner with the Mightiest Account Comic A Beginner with the Mightiest Account Comic

A Beginner with the Mightiest Account

229 Chapitres 2.2M Affichage

Éditeur: Renshan Comics

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As a sudden crisis occurred, the Earth entered the OL Era. Humans became playthings of an unknown enemy. Everyone got a level-1 account. In an era dominated by the strong, Ye Hao, a high school student, could only upgrade to level 3. When he was about to die, he accidentally activated the Max-level Account System. Will he become the strongest person in the world?


  1. Miroby_0405
    Miroby_0405 Contribué 57268
  2. jwalz29
    jwalz29 Contribué 48384
  3. Martin_Cox
    Martin_Cox Contribué 46194


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    Stone -- Power stone
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