/ Mystery / Classroom of Despair

Classroom of Despair Comic Classroom of Despair Comic

Classroom of Despair

Terminรฉ 26 Chapitres 1.3M Affichage

ร‰diteur: FanCiYuan

Environ Table des matiรจres


What was thought to just be a boring voting game, suddenly turns into a tragedy when the students die one after another by jumping off buildings, outright suicide... No matter how ridiculous the task, one was required to execute it without question, else, the next one to die, could be me...
The school bell rings, and the voting continues...


  1. Daoist470537
    Daoist470537 Contribuรฉ 224
  2. mtsin
    mtsin Contribuรฉ 221
  3. Asakumo
    Asakumo Contribuรฉ 221


Cadeau -- Cadeau reรงu

    ร‰tat de lโ€™alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone
    ร‰crire un avis ร‰tat de lecture: C0
    ร‰chec de la publication. Veuillez rรฉessayer
    • Qualitรฉ du dessin
    • Dรฉveloppement de lโ€™histoire
    • Conception des personnages

    Le score total 0.0

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