/ Comedy / Cultivation Chat Group

Cultivation Chat Group Comic Cultivation Chat Group Comic

Cultivation Chat Group

662 Chapitres 38.2M Affichage

Éditeur: Webnovel Comics

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"Ahhhhh! My worldview was shattered overnight!"
#Cultivation #Urban #HilariousAdventure

【Update Wed Fri】One day, Song Shuhang accidentally joined an online chat group filled with Xianxia-obsessed chuunis. They called each other "fellow daoists", had all sorts of strange usernames, and even referred to one their pets as a "demon dog".
Some time later, however, Shuhang came to a realization. The other members of the group were actually real-life cultivators—the kind that move mountains and can live for thousands of years!

-- This is an authorized work from Webnovel Comics protected by copyright law(Both original and translated version). All forms of reproduction/distribution are strongly prohibited.


  1. Daniel_Gallion
    Daniel_Gallion Contribué 71919
  2. dylanjacobs400
    dylanjacobs400 Contribué 64960
  3. cbyrd_18
    cbyrd_18 Contribué 46775


Cadeau -- Cadeau reçu

    État de l’alimentation hebdomadaire

    Rank -- Classement Power Stone
    Stone -- Power stone

    Disponible en tant que roman

    Cultivation Chat Group

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